dem cheaters

So, was having some fun tiems with my mates @ random 3o3 until we ran to this guy. The most hilarious part is that they kept whining like little girls during the entire game. Well, the wh is obvious with this guy, though the one faking nonix was even more funny. Enjoy.

[azrax] [098A04AD023E38AF1212C43C2A62D227BE32B4FF]

Cheaters in 3o3 irc?!
plz give contact of them is hard to find good oppo's now a day
Cheater whine about other cheaters, jes
afaik I've never been busted about anything unlike 99% of ppl u play with.
You were busted but okay.
Where? I don't see myself being banned anywhere?
Cant see myself being busted anywhere, I just stated that I was able to use wallhack, not that I ever did.
actually you were bragging about how long it took TZAC to bust you
I never got busted by tzac, all I did was received a manual ban by marcus because I said I was able to use cheats on tzac. And yes, it was manual ban as I was able to continue playing on tzac just by using another account of mine which didnt get banned, so no, I've never been busted.
so you're not denying cheating, you're claiming that you weren't busted. got it.
As I stated I was able to use cheats with tzac, not that I ever did. I honestly dont care what you or anyone else think, I performed well with cgac as well so I got nothing to prove.
Nah, you were banned because there was a cheat detected on your account. Both chaplja and Marcus used manual bans (along with automatic ones), and banned players were able to successfully create/use another account when chaplja was still around too.
Cheat was detected right when we told ppl about it right? Cuz otherwise it took 9 months for dat amazing anticheat to detect the most simple cheat there is. Nah, I already know it was manual ban set by marcus as soon as we told him about the cheat.
Why would I lie? TZAC is dead, chaplja is gone, and Marcus & I are hardly active as admins. I have no reason to make any of this up and certainly don't care enough to continue to argue about it.

EDIT: I forgot about this as well -
That game is the one which got us banned. As I stated, manual ban is a manual ban, the anticheat didnt do shit. do u honestly think we wouldve been banned if we didnt aim through walls with snipers and shit? we were just fucking up with ppl to show that the ac didnt do anything :p
Nope, this was 6 months before the TZAC ban from Marcus. It's the one which resulted in your original CB ban (caught by demo). Again, I don't really care, but this all kinda goes against the "lol never actually cheated before" position you were maintaining a few posts up.
I didnt say I havent cheated, I said I havent been busted. And I got the ban from that game, and also my tzac account that I used during that game got banned unlike any others so :p I honestly just dont care as I've already performed well with cgac too so got nothin to prove
busted = caught cheating
In my opinion there is a slight difference between being busted/caught cheating than selfbusting on purpose.
1 year, 11 months and 4 days
avi or gtfo
varmaa joku kvazi tosta ulinasta päätellen, vaikka ite kattelee seiniä muna soikeena. 3/5
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