Senior age leagues for fps-gaming?

As I'm getting older (like we all are) and consider myself senior when it comes to computer gaming, I started to wonder wether there should be leagues in esports for senior aged players like in traditional sports. :) Leagues where you can win smt without praccing mad hours since at this age there are things like work that take a lot of your time. In Finland football and ice hockey has senior leagues where you can play if you are 35+. Maybe in esports 30 would be good? I tried to do some research how old are the oldest CS:GO players and I found out that there are not that many players (on any rank/level) that are even 30. That led into a question, how old is the oldest global elite player and wondered if I could be the one (haha), any idea? :)

valle keeps owning on sf 4 even when he is 40

prac hard go pro
well tbh there are not many teams that prac that much in ET anymore :D u should try this out!
Some days ago while playing CS:GO team mate of mine (who currently plays ET also) said in voice coms that ET teams are much better nowdays than back in 2006/2007! So I think I dare not to play anymore. :)
U dont know before u've tried! =)) But ur friend might be right. At least med skilled players personal skill level is higher than -07 med skillers :D not sure if teams are that much better overall than lets say impact or MPG
Cannot play ET anymore! Too many binds, too many timers, too many objectives and oh and granades actually kill! :)
how old are u ?
Must be some newschool faglet.
mummyleagues incoming, go get kapaa
Congrats @ global :)
haha thanks, altho I think I broke the game! :)
Im avi for ET league when I hit 30. Sebhes, please start already working on this.
Plans have been worked out and soon to be published
stop fucking leaking before newsposts
i am 40 and i own
respects for you man! :)
nice sneaky way to say u reached GE!
yes and in next journal I'm asking for mm frag movie makers!
i think the oldest pro is TaZ from VP hes 30? But these next two tournaments are his last...he just got married so probably has to consider finding "real" career to support family
What do you mean by 'real'? Doing this he is earning much more than doing something 'normal'. Look at pasha or allu who is going to be father. They are in too good shape to just leave it now.
yes but pasha and allu are much younger, they can improve as they gain experience, while TaZ has probably seen the best years of his career....maybe he can go into a non-player coaching role in the future, but his time as a player is going to be up before serious money pours into CSGO
The difference between them is only 2 years plus there is not really anyone who could replace him. Don't think he will quit as soon as you are saying.
TaZ already said these are his last 2 tourneys
So much bullshit comming out from you
was on some interview stream after they won that last tournament, said DH 2015 will probably be his last tournament as he wants to spend more time with his family (just got married this summer)
nah bullshit tbh
its the words from his mouth, sorry i forgot all those years you spent banned from cheating ET allowed you to become fountain of all knowledege CS:GO xD
Yeah that makes so much sense
EU>NA tho
eh ill give you that, but LG is definitely better than the trashy tier 2 teams in EU, so is CLG, and Cloud9 is top4
lol taz top fragging vs #1 NA

and he signed for 2 years so bet he plays atleast another one unless they want to kick him which is unlikely
VP owns cloud9 they are what TSM is to Fnatic.
He just turned 29 two months and why would he quit? He is an insanely good player and makes a fuckton of money for Polish standards playing Counter Strike and prize pools for CS:GO will continue to increase. If I were him I would continue playing for a few more years and save up enough money to start my own business.
Cooller is 29 and is considered as one of the best Quake player , toxjq is 31 and has the best aim. you are definitely not the oldest global elite on cs go tho , all 1.6 superstars such as HeatoN , spawN and co are around their 30s
gratz for global =)
I'm around my 30's too, not gonna admit on which side tho! :D
the dark side
Being 13 years old and already owning this hard, I can say I have a very bright future eSport career.
13 omgg?? on your picture you look older :p
We made our profile on the exact same day. I made mine just after you made yours. What a coincidence!

Would such a league require passport proof? Or a birth certificate of your firstborn child?!
I often played with two globals who are aged 32 and 38
Cool, ok i'm not the oldest then! :) And that's a good thing heh
I'm pretty certain there is quite a large group global elite players in their 30's especially the people who were pretty good at CS 1.6. A lot of the current CS:GO pro's are in their mid - late 20's at the moment and I'm sure there would have been more if competitive 1.6 didn't die and CS:S didn't suck so hard. Most of the former 1.6 pro's quit or went on to do other things in the gaming community and not many came back to play CS:GO actively.

In the fighting game community there are a lot of pro's in their 30's and the inactive old skoolers could easily compete with the best with a bit of practice if they wanted to. As mentioned above some of the best Quake players are 30 ish as well and that's because Quake3 has been around for such a long time at a high competitive level.
If more competitive games had a long lifespan(10+years) I think a lot of players(with several years of experience) could be able to compete at a top level well into their mid to late 30's if they wanted to. Unfortunately most games die before that time and it's not worth it for people to pick up another game at a high level and they pursue other things in life. That would be the same thing like Michael Jordan deciding he wanted to play professional baseball at age 30 I mean yeah you could be semi-decent but it just isn't worth it.

In ET I played(2003-2010) quite extensively with about 5-6 guys who were all in their late 30's or 40's. Two of them were still playing on public servers every so often last time I checked. Also generally speaking a lot of professional gamers are quite intelligent and are able to use their talents elsewhere (poker for example) in addition to having other obligations in life especially when they have families.
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