well played dutch police

Well what you know....King Kong himself if he would have fuck me in the ass with his 3 meters long and hard cock, and it would not be so painful like this letter I found in my mailbox from....CENTRAL JUSTITIEEL INCASSOBUREAU aka MINISTERIE VAN VEILIGHEID EN JUSTITIE aka THE CENTRAL BUREAU OF FUCKING PEOPLE HARD IN THE ASS AND STEALING THEIR MONEY CAUSE WE ARE SOME HUNGRY BEGGERS.

So I went to Amsterdam with the purpose of purchasing 250 killo of coke, 200 kilo of hero, and 500 kg of weed and 10000 pills of ecstasy and what you know.....the cops never suspected the carriage I had in my trunk. But....some fucking cameras that they have in Netherland, this small country who fought England 500 years ago over some land in Africa cause both nations were greedy(still are), are supervising the traffic.

I saw them things and the speed limits banners, but who the fuck was thinking that for only 4 km/h extra I will get to pay 68 euros....4 KM/H EXTRA!!!

Dear Dutch government are you so fucking retarded that you have to beg from a Romanian for 68 euro? What s the matter, Africa does not deliver enough diamants anymore? Is the services of hookers not working in Amsterdam anymore? Does the so called number 1 port in the whole Europe(also Amsterdam) not supplying for your hungry capitalist bellies?

Or are you that fucking ridiculous and racist that you did not noticed the thousands of cars who were driving not with 4 km/h extra but with 20 or 40 km/h extra but they were driven by Dutch people and not by Romanians and so you decided that if you can fuck up one Romanian why not doing it? Well congratulations,you just confirmed suspicions for being one greedy mother fucker! Fuck the Dutch police and who ever is in charge of this things!

image: 20150820_191133_1

EDIT: Talking with this wonderful dutch police on the phone:


skirre tyfushond

Our country, our rules. You dont even live here, what are you complaining about ..
Did you even bother to read and understand what I said? I was driving on the fast lane, on highway where s speedlimit 120km/h and I got dem dutch guys flashing me cause they wanted to pull up acceleration to 140 or 160. They get no speed limit ticket for more than 10km/h over the limit, but I get for 4km? Your rules should be for everybody not just for foreigners...
What are you even saying? There are tickets for driving 1km/h too fast. However, we do apply "speed correction" which basically means they take your speed minus x and then send a ticket if needed.
How the fuck do you know whether the others got a ticket or not? lol
I heard since I was in Romania that dutch police and government have some idiotic rules and fees for driving in this small country. But I never thought that they will apply to me...for one bloody time I decided to live Amsterdam....not to mention I regret it since I went straight in the middle of gay parade, and I saw horrible images, like dutch men 2 meters long, on high heels and red short skirts

Anyway, they were driving 100 times faster than me and living there, so they must know how fucked up their police is...how come they still doing it? I gotta assume that most of them don t get a ticket.

My ticket is from first of august, so they got some images and they studied the licence plate and they saw my origin country and they decided to burn me....simple
Actually just a few weeks ago I received one for the exact same amount.
There is correction as well, after correction the result was 4.
can you please explain what you mean by "correction"? 4 what? km/h or 4 euro? and after correction you still payed the fee?
same shit in America, gotta support them police pensions somehow lol
Gotta keep the roads safe from gypsies.
+1 ma nigga :D
You drove (at least) 10 km/h too fast. That is at least 10% more than allowed on that road. The fact you believe you got fined based on where you're from is absolutely ridiculous, as is the rest of your post, frankly speaking.

Good for you. Hope you learned your lesson about driving too fast, although judging by your post, you haven't.
ok Sir, thanks for the great info.
Filthy Cyclist
I second what Harry Potter's doppelgänger just said
come to Germany, we will pay your debts
fraulein, you own us 1 billion euro since ww2...still u have to pay for the holocaust victims too...so. thank you but no thank you
yea is not like Germany paid like 70 Billion (2012) for the Crimes during WW2


we also paid and pay isreal Billions and Billions, gifted them Submarines and other Stuff

so please get some information before you claim something, like reading the Contracts etc which were Signed after the War.
Your country owns Romania war debts that are still unpaid and that bitch of a Merkel knows it
hast du mittlerweile neben der selbsthilfegruppe einen englischkurs belegt?
Nein, ich nur machen zusätzlich für die Deutschen, sie zu lehren, wie man richtig Milch einer Kuh
No, please don't say that.
so to make it clear. U received a parking ticket and ur 1st thought was, lets go home and make a cf journal about this amazing incident? I guess nobody here received any parking ticket yet, so its rly journal worthy.

Keep the good work up! Journal getting better and better here!
is not a parking ticket lol...is a speed limit ticket
cmon man its not a car park ticket its even WORSE
I guess... He didn't see that one coming image: V3OHQVQ
and anyways why would you even attempt to speed with all those drugs in your car
To get to the destination quicker of course... :Ppp
250 killo of coke,

cant pay 70 cheap eus.

"spending all my money on dope and extreme high priced tickets" - Showtek
thats quite alot of drugs
stfu and stop driving to fast
stfu and buy me a beer
maybe at lan, but only if you buy me 2 first!
typical flemish attitude pff...dude I m a guest in your house...where s your hospitality? I buy you 2 if you buy me 4 first.

and why only at the lan? you to chicken to meet me in Antwerp :D?
cause i'm working nightshifts during the week and i'm not going to spend my weekend time on someone i've never met before.

And how are you a guest in my house when we are going to a LAN? xD that logic
Hm...you work full month only nightshifts? I feel you bro

You never met me before? I never met you either, but I won t steal your wallet. I know how hard is to meet you flemish people outside your confort zone, you guys are living in a bubble for your entire life and you re affraid even meeting your own shadow :)

I m living in your house, as I m living in your country, that s what I meant.
Looking forward to meeting you @ LAN.
yup only nightshifts.

I'll just ignore the bubble thingy cause since you're assuming we're all the same.
I just invited u to a beer in real life in your own country me a legend in this comunity and u re to scared...so what else can I say but that the fact that only belgians who re not scared of me were those of foreign origins...
I think people just don't give enough of a shit about you.
I m 100 percent sure that could also be the case, as it is common for all people not just for me. But still in your/our case I think is just something else. Otherwise you would not have been riding my dick for 5 long years
you must be so lonely, inviting total strangers for a beer and when they reject you, you insult them. I'll give you a beer @ LAN if that makes you happy.
You were going 114 in a 100. And thats 114 according to the radar, not your speed meter which probably showed something like 120.
I understand you are upset, as you said begging this from Romanians is pretty cruel since you guys already have about as much to spend as rats :) Still, you were at fault for driving 10km/h to fast, deal with it.
I have something specially for you, fat kid stuffed with pasta and waffles:

Right in your country homie...this is Romania! Enjoy the good life that only we Romanians can find after a hard day work. The life we carry in our hearts, when we work abroad. Nothing of the racist shit that comes towards us can affect us, cause we ve been on fire for 1000 years and the only reason you, as well as Belgium or France and even UK are not a big Muslim califat is because we did our job and defended the gates to West Europe from Ottoman Empire. But don t worry homie, those days are over and I give you less than 15 years until you will become slaves of them in your own country ;)
eehm, racist much?
where is the racism baby?
My people and I are very offended by your sayings.
So many transsexuals though...
you drove too fast... not 4km,. but 114 and got a correction down to 110... poor you. and yes, it's because you are romanian.. we have special camera's in the Netherlands that just check for foreign license plates.
you actually managed to say more words now to me than you said at the lan...I guess you re not so tough in real life haha. Yes 114 and what is that a reason for 70 euro fee? Everybody knows this only happends in Netherlands and in Norway and Sweden where police are racists. Even Snoop dog got arrested there for smoking a joint...so Ronner darling did you go to the gay parade? I mean that s the ideal place for you to be ;)
- I probably didn't talk to you at lan (can't even remember meeting you) because most likely it didn't interest me.
- I'm not tough in any life, nor did I ever claim to be.
- 114 in a 100 zone is a standard 68 euro fine in holland, no matter what country you are from
- Police in the Netherlands are not racist.
- Snoop dog got arrested for smoking pot in a country where it's illegal to do so.
- I did not go and will never go to the gay parade because I think it's stupid to celebrate a sexual preference.
- Any gay parade is most certainly not the ideal place for me to be.

But I guess your wink at the end makes it all sarcasm. Unless you were coming on to me, faggot :-P
I will only reply to the first line: I did salute you on the lan. I said Hi You all mighty Ronner, I m that stupid ass mother fucker from Romania called Unforgiven. You had your big stereo headphones on your head, which you took off after I finished my introducing lines. You said: Hi. Than you put back on your headphones and lost the game.

See you in the afterlife where there is no dutch police, no gay parade and no reason for nobody mama to cry








In switzerland you get about 120 francs of fine for this, which is about 100 euros. I'd say deal with it with your 68 teuros
Half of your country belongs to Hungary and you whine about a fucking 70€ ticket, lal.
Bozgor...your comment is out of this ecuation. And as it is the most ridiculous thing I ever heard today I invite you to reflect on your mongolian origin country future that I m sure Moscow will take care off. And in the mean time be welcome to visit Transylvania and enjoy being spit in the face
It looks like people hate you around here :) Probably because you are bitching about a 70€ ticket which you got for speeding and for looking like a gipsy.
How you know how I m looking you mongolian origin little man?Of course they hate me. I m a successful man and I fucked all their girlfriends so that s reason enough to hate me
Successful if you are bitching about a 70 € fine :D:D
gypsies never change :(
I see you at the lan and we shall end this conversation there. I will teach you bozgor some manners
Do you have any friends?
No. I have some friends but in Romania
In Belgium I have no friends. Dem Belgians don t like my swag
Germany= france . asshole countries, as other countries which loves money lol
if you mean governments, yes kinda.
Dude, just leave
Dude....just let s meet in Bruxelles. I come on your own territory and still dont have the balls to meet your master. Damn that fear son...
68€ wow I feel bad for your brother but hey see the bright side, you still have 1% of your salary left

68 euro is enough for u to live in your bungalow in your muslim neighbourhood where u buy a durum for 2 euro to feed your empty belly. Allah akhbar!
114 - 100 = ?

protip: NOT FOUR you DUMB CUNT

I'm surprised your fine didn't get the "Romanian bonus", normally you people get double the normal fine.
too salty :( kom je lan?
If u tell me the same words at the lan I ll buy u a beer and some make up for your future black eyes
LMAO Who the fuck cares, you dont live here right? Then dont fucking pay, brb will never hear from it again.
You lost me at your fake drugs buying story. What is even your point? Trying to look like some bad ass dealer on internet and hoping for some e-respect or smth?
But he really bought 250kg of different substances plus 10000 pills of viagra!
inb4 wall of text
fkn stubborn gipsy, well deserved
This guy is baiting all you retardsLOL
how to get rid of racism= stay in your own countries!
Swedish girls are hot. Can I meet your mom?
cba reading ur useless topic mate..

Oh no :(

Looks like Saturday and Sunday overtime with the accordion to pay that off
image: 20150822_160849_1

my Sat. Will see what I ll do today. Flush down the toilette
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