ET on MacBook Pro

Hi All,

Haven't been around for years!!!! but would be good to have a few games for old times sake.

I have installed ET but when I run it, it crashes. I am using a Macbook Pro using running OSX Yosemite. Does anyone know of any fixes or solutions to get it to work?

The only solution I can think of it to bootcamp a Windows install or run Windows on parallels - which I really cant be fucked to set up.

ET Legacy seems to work, but as ETPro is unsupported its pretty pointless. Who wants to play on jaymod with double jump! -.-.

Anyways if anyone has any ideas or suggestions I will be truly grateful.

:D just play the 2.6 instead of the 2.74
Oh em gee, it's Starzi.
Quote by starziWho wants to play on jaymod with double jump! -.-.

Probably the biggest part of the active ET community? :D
Killing yourself is a better solution that trying et on macbook really...

Why are you torturing yourself?
Only way you could play on Mac is to Bootcamp your disc and install a Windows.
I use a Macbook (the old white one) and I just started to run it on Windows 8 for couple of years now because is somehow faster
you can play et on osx. hand edit the default config (etconfig.cfg i think) to disable opengl extensions r_allowextensions 0. if you have no sound then look for the linux script to start et with different sound backend.
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