We are looking for support

We ( current Rock-it ) are looking for support for the upcoming lan in Brussels.

We are looking for a organisation/person or whatever that is willing to sponsor us ( obviously we will use your teamname ). About details of the sponsorship you can send me a msg on my profile.

for the guys that aren't known with our team:

The team excists out of 6 players: XyloS, sqzz, mAus, sQuid, chry, hayaa

All the players have played for years on the highest level and won many tournaments, lans, competions etc.
We are a nice bunch of guys to hang around with online and offline.

thx for reading

You will win the lan anyways - with that follows the price money and you all should be able to atleast break even.
Lmfao doesn't even cover the travel alone my man :-p
For gav, you and xylos maybe, but for the rest of the sQuad it surely does - maybe even gets them in positive?
Mm dunno, it's not about me anyway
Real shame polaks pussied out :(
And if no support then no one is even or positive lmfao! And you never knooow yet still time my man:-p
djeezus, get a job :D you knew lan was going to happen for quite some time now.
Alé goe da ge toch ga chry ;)
I am currently supporting a few teams already with free sever + TS3 . If you are interested you can always contact me.
Mauvais anniversaire
:( t'es qu'un méchant!
Really, the irony xD
How much money u need ?
About the details of the sponsorship you can send me a message
Hi I main support I can play meta champs such as Thresh Braum Annie etc etc but also very metabreaking champino like Syndra support or ap lee song.
i donate 5 euros for deryn
lmaoo oooooh ur too kind xD
I donate 10 baguettes for you
thanks my man, cannot think of anything i would like more xD
I can support you with 15 kebabs
Rofl you already go for the win
va les chercher! tchoo tchoo
rock-it jelly about playing-ducks 8)
I dont think anyone knows these players tho
I thought Ri was the sponsor :o
This is kind of.. pathetic

E: Also, is SPU9 up to date about this? Because if you're looking for a different MGC, you should drop the Rockit tag (I'm telling you this on behalf of me being an ex-manager and friend of SPU9)
If we find something else ofc we will drop the tag. If we dont find anything its up to spu9 wether we wear it or not, and why is this pathetic?
Because you're making it seem like your some elitist team now. Everyone has to pay for their travel expenses, hotels and everything that comes with it. You knew this beforehand. Then there's the fact that you will probably win the LAN or at least place in the top 3, meaning you'll eventually pay less than most. Now you just come across as some greedy guys whom only care about the money, which is a shame, quite frankly. So, when you get your support and you win the prize pot, you're going to help the others out who had to pay the full prize?
i dont get why your banging on about it, years ago few teams always had support.. man up
Well I understand what he is saying, Deryn.

It's well known they would be favourites. Above all they will probably win some, if not all of the prize money for #1. So why would they ask for money? :s

On the other hand, it would be sad if they won't attend LAN. I would be annoyed if I would win LAN, knowing there is at least one clean team better as my team. But hey, that's (probably) just me.
Also I get why they are asking for sponsership. Even if they win, some of them (not Maus, and not chry) will still have loss.. Cheapest way is maybe to travel with https://www.ryanair.com instead of your car. Maybe then some can break-even, but I doubt it.

Haven said that, all LAN attendees will lose money, keep that in mind as well...

There is also a third option noone is even considering...
Let Gav flash his titties, I'm pretty sure half of this geeks will get an insta boner and will pay for him (instead of their regular hand-shake porn).
All in favour, raise your hands! (inb4 their is something dripping from their hands, but meh.. if they pay, they pay :) )

(Anyway, gl guys, I hope you guys will attend LAN, just hoping to drink at least one pint with Gav & Deryn (and this time I'm serious)).
Hey Glenn :-) I see where he coming from and you but what is stopping other teams from doing the same its not s problem to anyone and also not hurting! You don't ask you don't get!

Yeah hopefully you come my man!! And we don't have Ryanair flying from Cardiff to Brussels and this post ain't just for gav :D
Asking for help is acting like an elitist team? And im not even going to bother answer your last comment. And if i/we only care about the money its the best to just stay home since most of wont brake even when we win + when we got some little sponsorship
Nobody else is breaking even though, and a percentage of my entrance fee pays towards you being slightly better off. Additionally I would say that Xylos and Gav were the ones likely in need of sponsorship due to the greater distances they have to cover.

Come for the community and beer my friend, but best of luck and I hope you find something!
I definately would look for sponsors here. Its a known fact every org has someone checking cf on daily basis.
imho its more likely that some rich-ass maus fan boy donate you than you get sponsorship
need a sponsor for rolst aswell
pm me for more infos
He needs a new chair ^^
We all need to help rolst
I can chip in for a rolstoel
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