For all LAN attendees

First read this:

If you have read that (or just the first paragraph) , I would still recommend you with urge to bring your passport with you.
They are beginning to become a bit stricter at our borders. 2 days ago a friend (probably bought bride) from my brother had some troubles just getting in our country.

If you are some idiot who doesn't care about what's happing in the world:
People all over the world are starting to immigrate to West-Europe, refugees from the war in Syria, Iran,..
Europe is acting a bit slow, but border patrol is becoming a bit stricter (apparently) while it's actually in violation with the Schengen Agreement, but bleh...

So if guys from Third World countries like Poland, Hungary are coming to Belgium, do not say I didn't warn you.

serious: Hungarians you guys especially should bring your papers with you, a lot of people from your country are emigrating to us. Also a lot of refugees are using Hungary to travel to West-Europe. So make sure your papers are in place. Would be awesome if we would hear guys like Powi would be arrested and put into a refugee camp just because his papers were not correct, or he didn't bring them. :D
(Not sure if Powi is coming, but I just took the first Hungarian that I could remember and used him as example.)

Thanks for this!
Always have my passport with me anyway, cuz you know, safety.
The instructions weren’t clear enough. I got my dick caught in the ceiling fan.
Hey, at least you got laid.
haha :D

@Tim: Hoe komt gij naar hier? Via den trein? Want daar zijn ze nog iets strenger geworden (mede dankzij die 'bijna-aanslag' op den Thalys).
Den otto zejom
You're always supposed to have identification on you and going abroad is no exception.
Indeed, but I know there are brainless people here.
For once I'm just trying to be friendly, well except that Polak 'joke'.

btw: that's the benefit of the Schenghen zone. Once you are in, you don't need any identification.
border countries are supposed to watch ID's, but most of those countries (from East-Europe) are pretty bad in that as Hungary has proven. Well, they are using police right now, but look the way they are doing it...
artstar for shoutcaster and president of this lan :D
co-caster Belgium chry

"why didn't that little gremlin revive the engi on tank" :DD
You talk about things you have no fucking clue about, that's funny.
Coming from you that's fucking hilarious.
Sweet liberal media in your country.
is going with ID and without passport is problem?
Talking about immigrants and still no racist joke. CF what are you doing? :s
what about the Romanians?

oh wait, I m already here.

do I need my passport to come from Antwerp to Bruxelles?

Can I come to Amsterdam to see your face in real life?

Can this be the REAL LIFE OF UNFORGIVEN?????

DO YOU DARE TO FACE ME???????????????????
I'll face you on the drinking table.
I m old school type. I like hot milk and chocomelk. Face that!
Im down for that.
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