ESL's biggest fuckup yet

So for several weeks now this ESL Dubai CS:GO tournament was heading for an absolute disaster and with the tournament starting today there have been very few improvements. Sorry FlyingDJ (vice president pro gaming? lol) but you suck at your job and your PR is really terrible.
outside gaming in Dubai!? HAHAHA
These delays are awefull
why the hell would they think it is a good idea? show is show but this is just way beyond :D
why the fuck its in dubai anyways lol
Similar reasons to why the 2022 FIFA World cup will be held in Qatar.
good casters though

one of them sounds like owzo
you mean Ashton Kutcher

image: yn0nt7hc_400x400
must be Netherlands LavOd
thought exactly same, wouldnt be surprised if it was him knowing pansy and tosspot :D
what lol :D you can't mean daboo and the other guy doesn't sound slightly Welsh
Fuckin nerds afraid to play computer outside coz it could get their mothafuckin skin tanned?
i hope somebody hold a Bible in their hands after they win a match..
inb4 C9 rapha
Well, still 250k prizepool so worth it :v
"I just watched an entire bomb site take from the POV of a smoke grenade. This is ridiculous." xDDDDDDDDDDDD
Gaming paradise best gaming paradise life
daboo forever mine <3
Cutting corners and not spending the proper amount of money on events. Sorta sucks :(
The whole event has been a fail from the beginning by inviting the wrong teams, groups not being balanced, Bo1 rather than bo3 because they were cuttings costs. Would have been better just to cut prizemoney by 100K and do it properly by getting a decent venue with enough buffer time before and after the event. good spectator area, room for shoutcasters area etc. Seeing FlyingDJ trying to defend all of their choiceshas been a real joke to say the least.
fuck flyingdj he definetly stabbed ET in the back and now he is even killing CSGO what a joke this guy :S:S:S kill him irl plz
Could have been way more professional indeed, but overall its quite ok tbh, atleast they dont use dabo for that kind of events
normal overreaction again

event looks good and the stage/viewing area is really nice.
Ah ye, being able to spectate only from 7:00 pm and up has been really good for the ones that paid.
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