Looking for skilled Dirty Bomb team/ players!

Hey all,

I am looking for a skilled team in Dirty Bomb. Or I am also willing to build one. I have solid experience in DB, playing long since closed beta (with breaks now and then).

I can play well basically everything except burst weapons and shotguns, I just prefer full automatic weapons.
(I am best playing medics (except sparks, that I have not practiced yet that much), Fragger and Skyhammer)

I am available every day, so just add me on steam and we can run some trials so you can see how I am doing.

Would be great if you are cobalt rank and up, but also willing to play with Gold 1s, not lower please.
(Or if you are really skilled players from ET and just starting competitive DB, then the ranks won't matter and we can still paly paly)

Add me on steam: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197971235720/

EDIT: I would be of course also happy just to merc to some high skilled teams! So if you are missing player and want to prac. Hit me with a message.


what makes u think u are high skill in this game? the fact that u roll some lowbobs in public?
piä piäs kii
kyllähän froxekin nähdään merccailees yleensä eraselle, eikä kukaan oo väittäny sitä high skilliks :S
dead game
Not really. TY to DNB probably more good/skilled players will (re)join the game.
DB ranks are so broken like it does matter what rank ppl are
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