United Cup IV - Details

image: 2elwf3s

In this topic all the details concerning United Cup IV will be described.

General information

  • The top 2 of each group will advance to the upper play offs, where they will battle it out for rank 1 till 4.
  • Rankings will determine next seasons seed.
  • Teams are free to play their games at an earlier or later date if both teams agree, but all matches must be played by match date - no exceptions! No wildcards allowed.
  • The maps in the group stage are forced. The maps in the playoff stage are not forced. In the play offs, each team picks a map from the map pool. The decider will be chosen by cointoss elimination. The winner of the cointoss may decide which team starts the elimination.
  • Players can only play for one team. One merc per teams is allowed. Someone is considered a merc if he has played for a team in the United Cup IV before. A team can have an unlimited amount of players.
  • If it happens that there are two matches in the Grand Final, the second match must feature different maps than the first match.

United Cup IV Schedule:

  • Wednesday, 23th of September - UC IV Announced
  • Sunday, 27th of September - Start of the first match day - 1st group match
  • Sunday, 4th of October - Start of the second match day - 2nd and 3rd group matches
  • Sunday, 11th of Octobert - UB Semi + Finals, LB Semi Final - Play off
  • Sunday, 18th of October - LB Finals + Grand Finals - Play offs

During the play offs, maps can only be chosen once by each team until the grand final. This is to avoid having the same maps during each round of the tournament.


  • adlernest
  • bremen_b3
  • missile_b3
  • radar
  • supply
  • sw_goldrush_te

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or suggestions about the cup. We can be reached on irc (in #ET:U) or through a Crossfire PM.

Belgium ChilAx
United States of America Foreigner
Netherlands Sebhes