play paly

Brainstorm needs pracc. We can play offie because no snatix. Or pracc xx

from 21

Ps fu esse
We can't play offi cause Sebhes wanna keep his internet authority by not lifting my ban today while it ends tomorrow morning
#e-penis #e-authority #suchadmin #swag therefor our offi will probably never be played from what I heard, keep it up Sebhes :-)
you can't get off my dick can you faggot
no candosville baby doll

PS. Be proud of makin your team unable to play cause of your fancy to not playing with cg ac, congratz
I care a lot, we'll play no matter what offi or not anyway faggot
every admin would do the same tbh...
Only faggots like you would do the same.
and me and Sebhes and ChilAx and ohurcool and embarrassed and well, every other decent admin.
There's been given a lot more space in the past for cases than this. Its totally not necessary in 2015 to be this strict. Its rather punishing us (the team with no banned player) than its punishing them.
exactly what I told him :P
Why so furious papix m8?
thats pretty much what i've been saying all this time, there are some people who think this game is serious esports community and rules are really important to be followed 100%

well well, why the heck you are banned anyway :D
didn't want to use anticheat in ladder games which makes my FPS drop from 125 to 75-85 or 40-50 in worst situations :P
oh well, imo you just got banned out of your own stupidity, as it was stated earlier what happens if you dont use AC in offis
hey you're stupid! :( homo
Well, I'm being stupid for succesful life, if you catch my drift mate!

yeah no hate just homolove<3
CGAC does take screenshots, by the way. It makes it a lot harder to lie about something we can easily see. I checked your screenshots (and a few others who are whining about their FPS on CGAC), and you had 125 FPS in every one of them that I checked.
Did anyone even have real problems with FPS?
I did while streaming.
It s fine then if you believe so, I ll take screenshots when I ll have the drops. It takes long enough so ill have time to take it :). There is obviously z reason why I dont want to use this anticheat. I always used everyone anticheat with out complaining à single bit, why would I change if there is no reason?
Well, whole process of CG AC screenshot its sometimes really laggy, even if you saw most of pictures with 125 fps it doesnt mean its stable whole the time. Theres an few value of com_maxfps which can change refresh time of your actual value of FPS and a lot of times when CG AC makes screenshot it feels like 30 fps with 125 Hz mouse for few secs then it came back to your maxfps but sometimes those few secs its very important special while you crossfire with your teammates or tryin to timing nade then it blowns sec before, not couting that everytime i press F1/F2/F3/F4 i receveid a huge system lag with a lot of Yellow spikes at Lagometer which never happened in previous version, and i think we both now i never whine about cg ac much. Anyway its not that annoying that you couldnt play or something, but it should be fixed. In previous version simply change CG AC for lowest priority + set it to one core helps a lot but not this time no idea why. Also i was really surprise that i cant use 192 hunkmegs (and i was palying iwth 56 hunkmegs almost month) till i put command into CG AC command line :S, maybe you should try it aswell cause it helps a bit.
can't remember this "space" from the past, and i am in admins crew since 2009 ;o
I've had multiple times where we negotiated with admins, and since both teams accepted it was ok.
2006-2013 at least
People are unable to play an official because FranceSnatix thinks he is a special little snowflake who should be allowed to break the rules enforced for everyone because he is entitled bitch. Fuck NetherlandsSebhes for actually following the rules and punishing ungrateful, arrogant cunts for repeatably breaking rules like a butt-fucked 12 years old teenage girl on sugar rush and her first period. Breaking rules enough to get banned was not enough no no no, I need special treatment now also! Lift my ban because I want to play!!! Oh yeah, fuck apologizing, insulting works way better in this kind of situations.

#FrenchLogic #DemandSpecialTreatment #FuckAuthority #FuckRules #AdminActuallyDoingHisJob #IDon'tEvenLift #I'mSoToughGuyWithZeroMuscles
You don't even know the conversation we had with Sebhes, yet you're acting like a mongol.
#shutup #palenerd #dwarf #midget #neverseensun #wontrepeat #myself #toolazy #toexplain #tofaggots
Your conversation with him is completely irrelevant to the point I made. Your conversation with him applies to and changes only one little part of my comment, which was: "Oh yeah, fuck apologizing, insulting works way better in this kind of situations." And that is in no way part of the original point I was making.

I might be under average height as I'm just 172 cm tall, but my tan lines will have to disagree with you about me being pale. After all, it was me who spent half of the summer in the sun actually doing something with my life: traveling around Europe, having a blast with my friend while getting to know different people and cultures. Attacking something people don't have any control over is quite pathetic actually - at least I'm attacking things people have complete control over f.e the amount of muscle mass in your body.

And the real reason you don't even bother to explain is simply that there is nothing to explain, you probably lack the common Engish skills to do so, and even slightly trying to explain the situation would only result in you looking like a complete fool and me gaining even greater upper hand. You know why that is? Because even the dumbest person on this website can see that 1. you feel special enough to break rules without facing the consequences 2. Sebhes is just following and enforcing the official rules which has resulted in you getting even more butthurt. No one's personal opinions or stories don't change those facts.

Frankly, just fucking grow up and start using CGAC like everyone else instead of complaining when you eventually get punished.
read first paragraph then tl;dr
won't bother reading your comments, dunno why you're so mad since a week tho :D
I tried to be nice with you but I'm not a huge fan of endless trash talking and quiting in middle of a game.

All personal shit aside, I still stand by my main points.
When were you nice even once? xD and yeah wasn't my best day(s) at that time :-)
I'm sorry if I didn't come across that way. But when I'm home after a 12 hour school day and tough gym session, and in need to relief some stress by playing CS the last thing I need is constant trash talking (doesn't just apply to you) and someone ruining a game by leaving after the first 7 rounds.

Call me butthurt all you want, those things just eventually got to me and made my blood pressure off the charts.
I agree with you for once
#I'mSoToughGuyWithZeroMuscles tho XDXDXDXD

but rong irc only
We probably agree more often than you think but I've a habit of letting people know only when I happen to disagree strongly. Fuck validation, men should not need it.

Rong offi only.
image: tumblr_nj7fobmQfH1qh9nffo1_500

#ProvokGIF #Freesnatix #tanguybanned #madcausenomuscles #fuckmeimadmin
Non sérieux c est quoi ton problème? Tu joues au retard ou ça se passe comment? C est quoi ce vieux flame depuis je sais pas combien de temps, tu cherches quoi en fait, un jour tu suces des bites et le lendemain tu flame. T es bipolaire gros va te faire soigner
wow snatix t'es trop sensible mon gars on peut pas rigoler avec toi :( la période de ban t'a retourné la tête. 1 gif et 3 hashtag cest bon le mec parle de flame :'(!

Quoteun jour tu suces des bites

On a pas du beaucoup te sucer irl :SSS
cool tes edits, j'aime. C'est pas ce message en particulier qui me casse les couilles mais plus une accumulation qu'autre chose, je pense vraiment que t'es bipolaire, sur internet en tout cas.
Pour le reste, parler des mères ne m'étonne pas de toi, mon ban je m'en bat les couilles et je l'ai dit a tout le monde et je continue de le dire et si tu veux jouer sur les mots je vais remplacer les mots "sucer des bites" par "t'es un lèche cul". Tu préfères cette tournure de phrase mon cher yokoo?
J'ai edit car cétait trop méchant pour toi tes trop sensible... Le seul gars bipolaire ici pour le moment c'est toi vu coment tu pètes un plomb pour un ban de 1 semaine et réagi comme un enfant avec tout le monde moi y compris

e: regarde juste comme t'as peté un plomb pour un gif et des hashtag tu parles de bipolarité et de lêchage de cul tu pars loin t'es trop stressé vraiment, j'ai toujours été un gros flamer
la chatte à ton grand-père JTE NIKE PUTAIN TU CROIS TU PARLES A KI???
lol tg t bipolaire mec tu veux koi la
I've won the snatix mad award so far
I actually don't care at all, for once i'm not mad even the slightest :D
i want to believe
ask the guys if I was mad recently! :P
inb4 im the reason :[

GG reason to dodge
ahah gg come on motivate your girl to let you go there :(
just logged in to flame this papi guy


Front row, midgets fight, good laugh, nerds insulting nerds

Ps: yokoo and snatix crying together in a dark room :S
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