ET United: One Week Left For Your Ticket

image: 8P84yzE

Teams have till sunday the 11th of october to pay for their LAN tickets. This means there's less than 3 weeks left!

If you are interested in forming a team for the LAN please contact an admin as soon as possible. Also for the teams who havn't paid for all of their tickets please do so as soon as possible.

The following teams havn't paid for all of their tickets

Europe 'xD Trickjump - 1 player
Europe Brainstorm - 3 players
Europe CatiNaHat #1 - 1 player
Europe - 3 players
Europe mAlibu - 2 players
Europe Team-Visual #2 - 1 player

Europe 'xD Trickjump - 2 players
Europe - 3 players
Benelux LowLandLions - 1 player
Europe Team-Visual - 1 player

In 1 week the seeding tournament for the LAN is going to start. When it starts you can no longer sign up for the LAN with your team.

So far we have 10x 6on6 teams and 11x 3on3 teams, which is great! 12 teams for both of the formats would be awesome.

I gave money to Seanza he should give it to you soon!
I heard Seanza's bank isn't fast in transfering money. Usually takes up to 5-8 years.
Quote by esseeAesSe 25 Aug 2015, 19:50
u doubting me m8? will rek u

Oh the irony
will rek u m8
no clue why u commented in the first place, as erase has attended the last 2 lans aswell
Just proving a point
and that point is?
That you were being all sassy towards my comment where I was saying Erase probably wouldn't be there. Seems I was right, though :}
Not sure if you're just trying to provocate or what ever, why wouldn't we come?
Ur comment didnt make sense to begin with, as like i said before, we've attended the last 2 lans aswell.

We will be there, so ur wrong faggot
Love that vocabulary
yes, dont respond to what i said, just make an irrelevant remark.
Just saying your time was starting to run out to pay for the LAN. I never said you weren't going to show up, I simply stated that I felt like it was doubtful. You were the one making clever comments, just repaying the favor.
U said u had a hard time believing that erase would go through with it, which is based on nothing. Then u just claim to be right a week before the deadline.
Ah just shut up esse, only way you're getting kills is when you're lucky enough to get near spawn to get some airstrikes on that spawn, otherwise you're just not doing well in any game..
And u are? And how is that relevant to what i said to wra1th?
You too new player to even know who I am, my point was, you're shit unless lucky with strikes. Nothing else. peace out
So just irrelevant flame from some random faggot. Peace
Think of it as you want, you still suck when it comes to aiming etc, I gotta admit, you got some gamesense in ya, since you can easily sneak up to those spawns when needed.. :D Otherwise.. I don't know, maybe I'm just not liking this gamestyle, sry.. :D
I suck at aiming, everyone knows that, ET is more than just aim alone tho.

I just dont get why u would just randomly join the conversation to flame while i have no idea who u are.
Just random flame, don't pay attention, have fun with ET, sry mate. Your strikes can be very useful :) No hard feelings.
point is that wra1th didnt smell any pussy long time so he use his frustration to insult big boss esSe, what a poor guy ueheheheheheh
That's saying a lot, coming from you :}
you can add Aq too our team, we are going to pay this week:)
I m borrowing money with 25 inte3rest
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