
fps drops


This website search index is just awesome - pile of shit really.

I'm unable to play ET the last few weeks for some reason. I did install some programs, but even after system restore the FPS drop stays the same.

Windows 7
GeForce GT 555M

it worked good before, but now it's unplayable.
I did already reset Nvidia drivers and tried with basic drivers and also updated to latest - did not change a thing.
Anti virus scanner turned off - did not change a thing.
My laptop is not is overheating.

I thought maybe there are some tips here to fix this crap.
disable threaded optimization in graphic card settings
Thanks, that did the trick :)
it always does with new pcs :D
Nah, I have a 7 year old laptop, I think one of my NVidia drivers resetted my old settings.
sure, glad I could help
Did you install the game after clicking the button here on this page? If so, try dowloading ET directly from splashdamage. I used to have similar issues.
Another solution could be to try the command " /r_primitives 2"
the download ET button links to splash damage now
good to know, thanks
sereNity{ Goliath
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