Gaming gear recommendations

Hello CF!

I am about to upgrade my PC and I would like to also upgrade my gaming gear since most of my stuff is already broken or just old.
I'm looking for mouse, mousepad, headset and keyboard recommendations pretty much.

I was previously using Razer DeathAdder and now I am looking forward to switching to either Steelseries Sensei or Zowie FK1 / EC2 but I am still unsure about which Zowie products are similar to Deathadder ( never seen them in real life but heared a lot about how good they are). I am using "palm grip".

I am currently using standard QCK Steelseries mousepad but I am looking for something with better quality.
I am considering Razer Goliathus or Razer Invicta. A lot of people recommend the first one but I would like to know if anyone from CF ever used Invicta? Is it worth its price?

I never bought an gaming/mechanical keyboard. Is it really big of a diffrence? I don't really like big keyboards with extra buttons. I don't know any good or bad models, the only one I found that fits my 'sizes' criteria is Steelseries 6Gv2 but it's price makes me wonder if I really need it. Did someone use it before or do you have any similar keyboards (same size but lower price range)

I am using Logitech G430 atm and I am quite happy with it but my warranty expired few weeks before my right headphone got broken. I am considering buying it again (the price of it got lower, it's like 50$~ on amazon?). Other then that I am considering Steelseries Siberia V2 or V3, both of them are more expensive and I don't really know what is diffrent inbetween these two models.

I am really looking forward to hear some opinions about the gear I mentioned or you just suggest something else. It would be nice if you give me some reviews of your equpiment rather just commenting with "model x is the best, buy it".



Zowie product. Since DeathAdder is big, you should go for EC1 not EC2.

Artisan or Puretrak Talent, pretty good quality pads.


dunno lol



Go for AKG, ATH, Beyerdynamic, sennheiser
why should i go for headset brands you mentioned rather than stuff like ss siberias/logitech/astros/hyperx and all that stuff that pro gamers are promoting nowdays?
Because they deliver higher quality and sound, rather than just being "fancy" trademark for gamers. ;) Go for Sennheisers or AKG.
Sennheiser headsets are fine
jak jestes przyzwyczajony do wielkosci razera to polecam steelseries rival
cool story bro
twoj stary jak cie robil
a jakies wieksze roznice od sensei? uzywales moze?
only gonna comment on keyboard, cba to comment on any other.
got mechanical keyboard myself like a year ago? and it's awesome. feels much better. it's not like my gaming performence increased significantly (well, it's better for rts like aoe and sc, that's for sure), but it feels just so much better. and when you spend as much time on pc as I do, it's quite nice to have.
conclusion: you don't need it, but if you have enough money to buy, it makes your gaming and typing more enjoyable
thanks, ill try to get it then if i have any money spare after i buy everything else
Quote I am looking for something with better quality.

If u want quality forget razer and everyother thing.
Get puretrak talent if u can find one. This thing is like everlasting superpad. I have been using mine for like 5 years and it still has the new feeling in it.

For mouse go for Zowie EC1-A or steelseries rival.

Steelseries 6gv2 is the thing u want or if u prefer different switches(then black) go for qpad

and what adze said about headset.
thanks for the tips, any reason why I should go for rival over sensei? i used it when i was attending #Rtb when i played overwatch and it seemed fine, thats why im unsure about rival
Because rival is optical sensor and sensei is laser sensor. Laser mouses are shit in general. Even if someone is doing well with it, it's not stable and it doesn't push ur potential at its best. I tested sensei myself, after 1 month (which is a lot considering my patience) I gave it to a random friend who doesn't play FPS.
I had 3 PureTrak Talents, all of them died after about a year, so not even close to "everlasting superpad". Still, compared to QcK Heavy I had, they lasted 4 times longer. So far I had my fair share of experiences with QcK, Everglide Titan MonsterMat, PureTrak Talent, Artisan Hayate Soft Black and Artisan Hien Mid Wine Red - Hien takes it all the way for me, I only wish it would come in same size as PureTrak Talent (plus it does not last as long as the Talent, it deteriorated after ~9 months and unfortunately I can't find a new one with the same options atm anywhere to buy).

Mouse - I don't see why he should switch, DeathAdder is practically the only Razer product that has its legitimate position in pro gaming, it's still world class mouse. But - I like my Zowie EC1-a, he can't do wrong with it.

Keyboard - I have 6gv2, Razer BlackWidow Stealth and Corsair K70 Red. 6gv2 - very generic keyboard, nothing extraordinary and I don't feel like it made anything better when I switched to it from non-mechanical keyboard. But it's built like a tank, so it will probably last longer in this world than I will :) BlackWidow - huge mistake on my part, I don't like this one a bit - ugly font, weird layout, strange feeling during typing, I could not get used to it even after half a year. K70 Red - excellent keyboard, I love it and I don't regret a single euro spent on it.
I wonder what u do to ur pads wtf? :D

What u actually mean with dying?!
Nothing extraordinary - and I never spilled anything on them, in general I don't handle food near mousepad either. It's just a regular gaming (well, few years back it was more intense than it is now). I do sweat quite a lot tho.

And by dying I mean losing most of the original properties (traction, stopping speed and overall consistency across the surface). I don't believe in washing mousepads, so each year I am buying a new one.
Its the sweat
Mice: I will buy Zowie mices till I die cause I bought 5 mices since I started hardcore gaming and Zowie is the best I've tested so far.
If you are looking for a mouse that is gonna last a long time and increase ur performances in gaming in general, BUY ZOWIE EC EVO.

Keyboard: Mechanical is better in term of comfort also the way u type ur keys is much more accurate in every things you are doing.
Playing osu, pressing W D SPACE and SHIFT to strafe and texting ur gf on facebook, at the same time, everything will be easy now. If you don't have gf you can still buy it.
But keep in mind it's not a must have, it's just better. Once you touch such keyboard you can't go back to these mainstreams keyboard for 20€.
My current keyboard: quick storm tk cooler master.
The Advantage with this keyboard: It's mechanical and full of leds for a cheaper price than the others. It's cheaper because the keyboard is smaller.
I think every mechanical keyboards are okay, the problem is the price :D.

Mousepad: I bought myself a zowie mousepad just because I rly liked their mices so I thought they might have good mousepad too.
Result? 5 tera whine in a .txt document on my desktop. People asking me for aimbot even the current major admin.
Quote<21:22:34> "Sebhes": can u gimme ur et bot

Headset: I know tons of people who got 100€ headset and still don't hear shit on games.
I got a siberia v2 but sounds in games is not only about ur headset. It's also about ur config and ur windows settings like stereo, 5.1, 7.1 etc... But this is definitly a good headset even if it's expensive.
I mean, whatever which headset you gonna buy, as long as it's not a 30€ headset from a shit store with a random brand, you can still find the correct options between windows, ur config, the game, to have the best sounds for gaming.

I tried to make it look funny but I'm serious about what you should buy.
gonna last a long time and increase ur performances in gaming in general, BUY ZOWIE EC EVO.

My mouse 1 button died pretty quickly. Before evo version my mouse got DC problems. This is why decided to go for rival

edit. U mean u can hear things like no one else can?

jan was the man with best headset back then. (too bad cant find the video he made to respond for this)

bonus what I found gg stray:D
I can definitly hear better than most of other players and RIP ur zowie i'm surprised :S

e: stray priceless tho :xD
The step was before the spot the video was taken at + one can't hear if it was downstairs or upstairs, while someone was below mant during the sound... And unless you have clear evidence, don't bother judging about guys you have never really played with, else you'd know he preshots pretty much everything, especially before selfkilling
Quote increase ur performances in gaming in genera

;)))))))))))) ooor get patryk.cfg
Let's be serious one time about this, I play with his config and its really nice Kappa
nah lets not
Zowie FK/FK1/AM depending on your hand size, or for budget Zowie EVO/EVO1

Puretrak talent, Steelseries QCK+ or heavy

Sidewinder x4/x6 for budget, logitech g710+ for high budget (mechanical)

Headsets (Don't even think about 5.1, 7.1 surround... they're garbage):
Sennheiser PC320 for budget, Sennheiser 360 for high budget (only makes sense with a sound card)
My gaming equip :

Mouse : MX 518
Keyboard : dont know random led shit
Mousepad : Steelseries ( won it from SAGE lan or so)
headset : some random USB headset

cba to buy new equip :3
Mice: EC1 or the new ZA11(pretty big ambidextrious. But really anything from Zowie is great just check the size/shape you want.
low budget: Steelseries 6Gv2, this thing is amazing for how little it costs in the mechanical keyboard section.
big budget: DASkeyboard is amazing, also Ducky Shine series are great. Heard K70/K95 RGB series from Corsair Vengeance series are great too but haven't used them myself.
Mousepad: Artisan pads are great from what I've heard, Artisan Hien will probably my replacement for my current 1 year old Puretrak Talent but it's starting to wear now.
Microphone: Get a 5e desk mic from a local shop(unless you plan on recording/streaming, then get something between 100-200e from Blue/Rode/Audio Technica. Also CAD GXL2600USB Mic is pretty nice value option for a better quali mic.
Headphones: Gather all your moneys and buy the best you can get from AKG/BeyerDynamic/AudioTechnica/Sennheiser. DONT get any headset from gaming brands as they will offer less quality for more money. The only exception is Sennheiser gaming series headsets in the high price ranges.
In Finland that 6gv2 costs almost 100€ :D I bought mine for 70 long time ago from a shop what sells it now for 99 if I don't remember wrong
dafuq :D just checked seems they went up in price lel, I got mine for 65e from included in that to NL). 99.99e there now too without shipping :D
The prices of mechanical has risen sky high
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