abj unbanned


is igieu still trying to become the bestestestest of the bestestestestestestest players in et?
he already is
Sup makaroni?
i hail igi
cheaters unbanned? i hope not
im still waiting on our probots to join the darkside
so lan dodge again?
heard that you're crying when you're playing against abj
What an exciting life you must have if that are the benchmarks of hearing things. Bye lan dodger.

Ps; yea wasnt quite crying but just stating the obvious when he shots 30hs in 4mins in seeding tournament last lan while getting totally shrekt on LAN. You arent any better since you're dodging once again. Keep proving my expectations though. The only respectable polish players are dialer lesti and fragatealer. You guys however, utter trash
Hah, what kind of amnesia is that? How sick mind can judge anyone while you are one of most retarded et cheater with your multiple times busted friend outlAw and probably whole viSual, not even counting that at this pseudo LAN non even check PC's and your USB which should be done at first (sic!) and few other things which I'm not gonna write here cause it's just rumors which i heard from lan attenders.

PS. How can i even take your prediction about Abj serious, while you were accusing me (:XD) and BloOdje two days ago of cheating in last prac we play and rape your "LAN" team at goldrush like jaymoders?
Then the next day you refuse to play another prac vs us cause as u said "cba with full trigger bots and wh of you guys" i can provide iRC logs if you can't remember this aswell.

Where did i mention you? Quiet its a discussion about grownups
So u state we cheated on LAN?

Btw yes u are cheating some times if you feel like it, like many other but its okay. You will see we will roll LAN again ;)
Well, what kind of cheats did i use then :D?
Wh or u can hear people on the whole map :?
you are just stupid or trolling
dno with offis u are 10 time worse so
Besides it was you who cried if it wasnt an official but now when you play with a busted cheater (abject) and random miracle (bloodje),cuz woah what did he deliver on lan, you dont want no officials against visual? Remember when i said i only play offi instead of a random prac against hodor with 1 who is clearly cheating and 1 using wallhack? Well, kinda double standards accusing me and my team for cheaters while we actually delivered where your mates got rekt. So stop the bshitting about cheater accussations when you, offi-only-tryhard-hodor, suddenly dont wanna play an offi cuz you're playing with a banned one and a wallhacker
Well we couldn't play an offi yesterday cause after CG AC Update buggs couldnt open ET. And we wasnt with Abj.
I dont care if why would you lie and say that you "rekt" my lan team? You might have won 1 prac. I have asked you many times to play against my team but when i pull out my lineup you back down "nah" "no players". So i actually stopped asking if you wanna play us, thats okay though i have nothing against you. But you have double standards and if you wanna sound legitmate atleast be real
Have you seen the link I send you in your channel? Should be the solution
Feel free to open up aboutthe rumors from the pussy's that could open their mouth behind their desk but not on LAN at that very moment
i heard u suck at BR m8 :(
Wrong!! Immabeast :{
then the rumors must be wrong :o

if u need a 5th or a second to team up with, pm me!
Feel free to message us with suggestions on how to improve the quality of the pseudo LAN. Your help is apreciated.
1st) Check PC's, mouses and USB
2nd) Don't start game when players are not ready, its pretty un fair to play 5 v 6
3rd) Well graphic card in PC would be nice, but as i see next lan going to bo better

I wasnt tryin to hurt your feeling Sebhes i know it was your fitst lan which u help with organisation but thats just so common things to do :p And as i said above and you know i wasnt there, so maybe attenders just troll me and u check PC/mouses/USB for any kind of 3rd programs and PC there was able use stable 125 fps or even less and there wasnt any bugs with graphic cards that viSual loosing walls every per sec ;) Maybe im wrong .. But pretty doubt.
XDD men, you are sick in your head if you think some people cheated on lan
Then you realize it happens few times even in bigger events/LAN in CS:GO for example ;)
csgo, some cases been going on ye
Jes cheating on LAN. Wanna waste 200 euros :_)
you're wasting it anyway going there :P
maybe we can play some monopoly or smth so we aren't behind a pc the whole day, it's bad for your eyes you know.
its not like lesti wasnt banned :D
didnt know bout that, i meant to say that that whole dmon shit was a big joke except for jrk
Yup I'm an example of a player who should have been banned for cheating and you're an example of being clean without any ban in the past.

Insert Kappa here.

>playing on a LAN in dead game
>exciting life

e: cba replying 2 butthurt ugly nerds
Dodging cause scared, you will come far in life scumbag
What the fuck does life have to do with this? Your whole team in here commenting like anyone of you have never cheated, wtf
Quote me if I said somewhere where I said I didn't cheated
Well your fucking double standards are kind of implying that
Quite sad you cant afford shit like this.
How can u forget naga, wiesiek, templar and Wrobel!?!?!?!
I dont but i dont dare putting those polish legends among these Fucks. I am totally on sync with ya though
hahaha oh God, i thought im delusional, but you got no fuckin idea what you talking about XD
Some of these legends played with those you mentioned tho :o
well.. i met him .. seemed a bit shy to me but overall he was a nice person...gotta agree with that.. he DESTROYED us online with like 10k+ damage, and on lan i didnt even noticed him playing...
dunno if he was just nervous and wanted to prove anything or actualy cheated online :p.. same for you insane, i remember when i flamed you online like hell that you are cheating.. but you played really great on lan and the 3o3 final was enjoyable and couldnt be any closer, now i dont think that you are cheating anymore, wouldve been the same for abj, but as i mentioned he didnt really did good on that lan.. but who cares anyway in 2k15
finally a decent comment with positive things inside in this sad day of drama
make that two
i dont know why you are talking about lan dodging "again" when he is not even playing ET active, afaik

mmmmmmmmmm wyczuwam bol dupki?
wyloguj sie kurwo
How to get in a gang in poland or?
5/5 comments
cheater always cheat.
QuoteI used to be an highskilled player in another game called Wolfenstein:Enemy Territory.

sup mr fucking ginger XD
ah, kids will be kids, some things never change.
free mkks
so much drama on a fucking dead game lel
dont say dead lol lan is coming??
lmao cant believe some ppl are still salty in this dying game XD
best journal 2k15
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