ET United LAN: Sign ups closed!

image: 8P84yzE

The sign up period for the ET United LAN is closed. This means that teams can no longer sign up for the LAN event.

Some of the teams still havn't fully paid for their tickets. You can find a list below with more information.

If you think this information is incorrect please contact Sebhes or timbolina as soon as possible. Payments MUST be done today or tomorrow or you will not take part in the seeding tournament.

The following teams havn't paid for all of their tickets

Europe 'xD Trickjump - 1 player
Europe CatiNaHat #1 - 1 player

Europe 'xD Trickjump - 2 players
Europe Team-Visual - 1 player

In 2 weeks the seeding tournament for the LAN is going to start.

So far we have 10x 6on6 teams and 12x 3on3 teams, which is great! 12 teams for both of the formats would be awesome.

Some people asked at what time the 3on3 tournament starts on friday. It will start 9:00 CET in the morning! We will make sure that ALL players that signed up will have a PC for that day. This means that you will only have to set up in the morning and you have your own PC for the rest of the day.

Confirmed: 12/12

Netherlands Sebhes
United Kingdom Shaman
France yokoo
image: icon_vinkje (2/3)
Norway Domi
Switzerland Aquila
Netherlands Testi
image: icon_vinkje
Belgium PlAyer
Finland Swanidius
Finland tOMBA
image: icon_vinkje (2/3)
Finland rsp
Finland smak
France Snatix
image: icon_vinkje
Poland NRG
Poland Sinnsyk
Poland sNi
image: icon_vinkje
Belgium Jere
Netherlands vANQ
Belgium Worm
image: icon_vinkje
Belgium dAv1d
Netherlands timbolina
Belgium ViKO
image: icon_vinkje
Netherlands Efax
Netherlands kApot
Netherlands mAxwell
image: icon_vinkje
Germany FiREBALL
Germany KRESTi
Germany stRay
image: icon_vinkje
Netherlands Aie
Netherlands iNsAne
Netherlands outlAw
image: icon_vinkje
Germany Bl4d3
Netherlands GizmOoO
Netherlands hybrAtek
image: icon_vinkje
Belgium Azur
Belgium Buzzer
Belgium Kenzi
image: icon_vinkje

Paid 6on6 teams are checked image: icon_vinkje

Confirmed: 10/10

Switzerland 7ele
Estonia mata
Netherlands Sebhes
United Kingdom Shaman
France yokoo
Europe TBA
image: icon_vinkje (4/6)
Norway Domi
United Kingdom griim
Netherlands Highway
Norway shiim
Norway w3st
Netherlands Testi
image: icon_vinkje
Netherlands FreddyB
Finland rsp
Finland smak
Finland Swanidius
Finland tOMBA
Netherlands woott
image: icon_vinkje
Belgium beck
Belgium Kenzi
United Kingdom Garin
United Kingdom ScarZy
Netherlands TwizZt
Ireland Wra1th
image: icon_vinkje
Belgium Buzzer
Netherlands esSe
Belgium PlAyer
France Snatix
Finland toNi
Europe TBA
image: icon_vinkje
Netherlands ins
Belgium Jere
Netherlands Jo0f
Belgium lio
Belgium siL
Netherlands vANQ
image: icon_vinkje
Switzerland Aquila
Belgium dAv1d
Belgium eron
Netherlands timbolina
Belgium ViKO
Europe TBA
image: icon_vinkje
Belgium chry
Netherlands hayaa
Belgium mAus
Netherlands SQuid
United Kingdom sqZz
Italy Xylos
image: icon_vinkje
Netherlands Aie
Netherlands Efax
Netherlands hybrAtek
Netherlands GizmOoO
Netherlands iNsAne
Netherlands outlAw
(5/6) image: icon_vinkje
Germany Bl4d3
Germany FiREBALL
Germany FLoPJEHZ
Germany KRESTi
Germany sTOWNAGE
Germany stRay
image: icon_vinkje

My team still has to pay - what should I do?
Private message Sebhes or timbolina here on crossfire before the 31st of August with the following information:
- A team name;
- Team nationality:
- Lineup;
- Which format(s) you are interested to participate in;
- Contact details.

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or suggestions about the cup. We can be reached on irc (in #ET:U) or through a Crossfire PM.

List of people who donated to the LAN
Finland champ €5,-
Germany Felix €10,-

Netherlands Sebhes
Netherlands timbolina

If you wish to contribute to the LAN by a donation, we would be very grateful! Donations will be used for the following (depending on the amount of sign-ups):
  • Used to cover the cost of location/renting PC's and monitors;
  • Used to increase the prizepool.

As stated in this thread all payments will go via bank. If you wish to donate you can do so by sending it to this IBAN:
IBAN NL38 RABO 0301 1748 65 in the name of T. Bakker


In the description please add: donation [ nickname you are recognized with ]

Or you can donate via Paypal too by clicking on the image below

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Hall of fame
Damn, too late
Brainstorm has Aquila as 3rd. We all should have paid by now ( I paid on saturday, got a text message as confirmation from my Bank).

So, we have the pc for ourselfes the whole day? CS:GO inc in breaks :D
I havn't received it yet. Guess it will come these days then.

3on3 tournament will be the whole day. So you have no time to play other games. And if you plan on delaying your games we're going to force start these matches (ask the ones who played the ET Reborn LAN).
Well, if you have all of us playing at the same time. We will have some spare time, at one point ;) Doubtfull that a 3on3 tournament will take 15+ hours (It's fucking possible, I know, but highly unlikely since its only 3 dipshits per team as opposed to 6)
I received your payment.
my p90 skills were trained by the great LORDI himself, i'm ready.
I am the p90 god. Lordi is a mere disciple compared to me. I am able to keep my global rank with p90, lordi can't even achieve global with p90 :D
Please, I was global. I'm the true p90 God since 1994.
was was was was was was was

I'm still Global :d
iam also global win-win situation just became huge
Very nice, lets play cs:go when we have full in ET.
Well, I play with noobs like JuiCy. I'm not able to use my full potential..
If you were as good as me you would be able to carry even the likes of Juicy.
not a single polak in 6vs6 ;o
FiF LAN winners.
Jullie zouden het wel verdienen tbh
Ik denk dat we 5de worden, zit er wel in.
Als jij even goed gaat schieten als replyen, dan komen we niet ver hoor Madsie!
Denk dat het sowieso vrij weinig uitmaakt
Niet te mans Jeroen. Dat word een pintje minder voor u.
wordt* ;-) En ga jij pintjes trakteren? :) nice!
Nu al helemaal niet meer, janet,
Een zin eindigt nooit op een komma, klojo!
Als ik je zie, dan gaan we fistfighten gek.
brb, ehmm.. going to erm.. walk the dog.. afk
Why arent you guys coming ??
Nope some in the team had lack of motivation unfortunately :(
you have to treaten them with physical violence, it always works (you can find multiple examples of it on CF!)
See you guys there!
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