Dirty Bomb is pretty cool...

...but as with all games based on Splash Damage's version of the id tech 4 engine (Quake Wars, Wolfenstein and Brink,) it has that horrible stuttering feel and general unsmoothness. Animations and movement just don't seem fluid. I would say it's just a beta, but let's be honest, it's not going to change at all in the final build.

But overall I'm enjoying it. It's worth a try imo. The fact that it's free means it may be as popular as ET was during its peak.
honest fact, etqw was the best option for this community. 2bad it was, idd sci-fi themed and maybe required at the time too much from computers. well, db requires too much also, but nowadays ppl tend to spend more money for computers than earlier days

db sucks, woo
the problems Dirty Bomb has I wouldnt list smoothness as one of them - it seemed pretty decent to me although FPS was an issue.

The game is dying hard though, I'm talking sheer numbers. They are doing events now to get players to log in to gain free stuff (I think if you log in the week of the 28th October you get Phoenix for free - if you own him you get a couple of cases + obsidian phoenix card).

actual numbers: http://steamcharts.com/app/333930

As you can see, pops are constantly dropping. The addition of dumb mercs didnt help, I think Phantom made quite a lot of people just leave. I'm not sure if SD actually realise the main issues in the game and just continue their current release strategy - I guess they are making money from their core fanbase but the game could be a lot bigger.
You think it's Phantom and not the awful balancing, horrible MM, shitty loadout system and the recent GUI regression?
The entire game has issues, everywhere. But Phantom was just overall ridiculous and seemed to annoy a lot of people - could be just that last straw sort of reaction. He was released July 7th and numbers dipped hugely within a month. Having such a strong melee character in an FPS where knifing is always sort of 'humiliating' was a really dumb move imo :D
I've seen quite some players say this ingame, but I think it kind of coincides with Overwatch.
Those numbers don't look promising. I can't see it recovering.
not without actual changes, no :p
Phantom was the final straw for me, and also the sheer poor quality of opponents and a broken match making system where you would have to queue 3-4 times, even when you have 5 in a party.

They got too carried away with adding shit features and perks, instead of focusing on the general building blocks to make the game work in the way that is expected. I wonder if this is truly Nexon's fault, or if Splash Damage are actually just a broken, incompetent, badly run company. Due to the history of their previous release, I would say the latter is becoming more believable.
its probably just the servers (sometimes they feel snappy sometimes bad) and some opponents playing with horrible fps that warp around and lots of high pingers. sound is also bad in the game so you probably miss a bunch of hitsounds at times, which can make it seem like youre not hitting enough
game feels smooth to me with high fps or fps capped a little over monitor refreshrate
Dirty Bomb is Unreal Engine.
are you sure because it really feels unsmoothness
Have you tried capping your fps to 333? It makes you long jump further.
Looked it up and you're right. I guess Splash Damage have a talent for fucking up engines. It feels so much like their id tech 4 engine.
I have played Brink, Wolfenstein and ETQW and I could notice that this was another engine after a game already, it's really different compared to idtech4. How the game reacts to sensitivity changes and the hit detection, completely different. I can't understand how you could think that was idtech4 a look at cvars could have told you that :D

In my opinion it is even worse than ID tech 4 engine, since that was at-least based a bit on the ID tech 3 engine and it was easy to switch from ET to those ID tech 4 engine games, similar aiming, at-least for me. ETQW was not that bad with ETQWPro. I agree with the fact that Dirty Bomb doesn't feel snappy at all if you compare it to something like ET. I have a fiber optic connection, so that is not an issue.
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