Dirty Bomb

So, as most of you know (or at least those who play DB), there's been a major update. To promote the game you can now buy the Ultimate Starter Pack on Steam for only €7 (normal price is €28). Gives you a few mercs, loadouts and credits.

Link: http://store.steampowered.com/app/376380/

To promote the game we can buy stuff for free game. Sounds great to me.
this comment just made no sense at all
Well I think he was trying to say, as you probably know.
It's weird to promote a free game, by telling you have to buy 'something' for that specific game.

Of course his small-minded thinking can't comprehend the bigger picture here.
In Dirty Bomb you don't have to pay for anything, you can earn it all by yourself, depending how quick you do your 'mission'/win games.
But when a game has a 75% discount in something that can help you as a newb player, go for it.
At least you get 50k free (= one free merc of choice)

To end with this quote:
Quote by a Random TsjechSounds great to me.
So when you don't agree with somebody, he is small minded and is necessary to try to mock him and his country (obviously, right... right?). Pretty sound way to present your opinion.
And eventhough I understand the logic behind the sale, I don't think presenting it in this manner to this community would be any beneficial.
Quote by Glenn
But when a game has a 75% discount in something that can help you as a newb player, go for it.
too bad they are too slow on developping the game, half of the players will switch to overwatch now :-/
i guess more than the half :D the glory times of db were already over after 2 months, now people r just playin it cuz there isnt another "good" fps around, well till ow comes out ;P
Wouldnt put my bet on ow tbh :D at least not on competitive side
You're delusional if you think OW isn't going to be the most "competitive" fpsgame of this and next year. The amount of money going into it is ridiculous, blizzard knows what they're doing and whether or not it'll have a high skill ceiling is irrelevant. Look at Hearthstone, look at Heroes of the Storm. Overwatch is going to be featuring prizepools in the millions very soon.
Oh yeah, meant not for me mostly. Seems like fun game, can't picture myself playing it on comp

It's not like I care big time if there are millions on the prizepool or not, if I did would not have played ET
Nader with Hochfir smg = Rifle and MP40 = image: smiley_emoticons_hurra3

btw: not that implemented successfully but: bridge = goldrush, terminal = oasis
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