Getting new PC - Help & Recommendations

Hey CF folks,

I am just about to get a new PC and came up with this so far:

image: zuo7N2D

It will cost around 3800 PLN which is around 880 euro.
Do you have any ideas to make this PC better in this price range or any ideas what I could change to lower the cost?
I had great feedback from you last time I asked about gaming gear so hopefully you guys will deliver this time aswell.

Have a nice day!
I got all my parts "used" (Most of them still brand new or barely used) and saved a lot of money on that.
no OC? cheaper mobo, 120gb samsung 850 evo, 1600mhz ram, 600w bplus, asus/msi 970gtx, 1000gb WD
Why OC if you can DCC or GMC instead?
I meant if you do not OC, then ....get better......ssd gpu lower mhz, etc
Why 750W powersupply? lmao
More W is better.
Isn't Corsair CX series the one that blows up after a year?
Also 750w powersupply + dvd station?
Yes it blows up.
I got no idea about PC building and did all of this above almost randomly with very little research. Some people already suggested to get 550-600W.

Get that as PSU

Unless you have plans to upgrade for another GPU, then go for 650watts I would say.
Get an r9 390, they are a lot better value than the nvidia equivalents at the moment
Dopłac 500 zl wiecej i zainwestuj w GTX 970. Szyna danych GTX 960 jest biedna.

e: Ewentualnie zostaw ta karte co masz, a daj i7-4930k. To bedzie lepsza opcja. Wiem ze duzo wiecej ponad twoj budzet ale warto.
rozwaze, dzieki!
Tylko jakbyś rozważyl ta opcje z prockiem to pewnie inna płyta główna bo socket inny. Nie sprawdzałem ale tak just in case
sprawdziłem właśnie, że musi być 1150, a moja ma 1151. Polecasz jakieś modele może?
Jakos ciezko mi znalezc pod ten socket plyte z DDR4. Wiec no nie wiem decyzja decyzja czy zalezy Ci bardziej na DDR4 czy na lepszym procku. Zawsze mozesz jakies DDR3 z najwyzszym mozliwym taktowaniem znalezc.
nie wiem czy sa dostępne z 1150 i ddr4, bo też nie mogłem nigdzie znalezc, liczylem ze moze jednak cos przeoczylem i znajdziesz :P
all i see is shitty parts, loool! buy an Acer, good gaming computermachine
What brand is that computer?!? Acer would be cool and reliable, makes good computers. If I was you I would go for Acer computer.
i am trying to buy each part one by one since i got 5% discount on separate parts.
But Acer is pro brand, buy Acer pls! When you buy different pieces one by one you dont know what brand you are buying...
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