Price opinion for my pc


I am planning to get new PC and already few friends showed interest over my current PC. They are asking how much I would sell it to them.

Parts are:

CPU: i5 2500k @ 4,5ghz (not sure if good or bad tho volts 1.28 which is pretty ridiculous for those clocks and stable unit)
Cooler: Noctua nh-d14 (Keeps temps roughly at 60 celsius on 2h stress test)
Mobo: Asus P8P67 Rev 3.1
RAM: G.skill 16gb 1600mhz
SSD: 2x128gb (samsung and kingston hyper x)
HDD: 1,5tb and couple of 500gb depending if they want, doesn't rly affect price I guess
GPU: AMD R9 280x 3gb (yes will give it a shot with Nvidia for next pc)
PSU: Corsair AX750

What do you guys think I should ask for this? I was thinking 600e but is it too much? Most parts are soon 4 years old. Graph card naturally not.

Thanks for opinions
if you're planning to keep using air cooling keep the nh-d14 and replace it by a cheaper one =)

Also I'd keep one of the ssds if I wer eyou

I'd say around 500€ is okay
Not bad idea with keeping the noctua cooler. :D I don't think I do anything with so small ssds.

Thanks for the opinion.
It's fine as an o/s drive, which samsung is it though? If it's an evo it's not really worth it, I'd keep it if I were you though, if it is a samsung pro
I'm not sure about the model but both 4 years old so idk. I'm just prolly going with 500gb Samsung pro and I'm finding stuff about pcie ssds if those are worth buying.
I'm not uptodate when it comes to pcie ssds, last time I checked for such they were 4TB @ at 3000€ :D
Yea I can find 800gb with 500e. But I dont know about the quality. I'm gonna do some research if its worth it.
You can get a 1TB Samsung Pro for 450 bucks
I know and at least theoretical speed is 3,5x slower. But as said I haven't yet looked much into those. Need to investigate if its worth it. It's not like I have problems with the cost but more of if I really need it.
Doubt it's worth it since cat5e/cat6/cat7 lan cables are capable of a max of 1gbit/s, so that's 125MB, also games don't load that insane amounts of data yet
That pc good enough for long time rather should have come on lan :P
Yeah lan is one month too early. Getting first salary end of this month. :D
Ota kottii :D
lel thirdworlder
fking dodger
bitchboy dodger, cu @ finland
For real I want to come man. It was so cool last time. But sometimes life situation is crap.
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