"Gamechanging" Renderers for Config


I'm currently trying to finish my config and was testing different graphic settings.

So far these are the ones I know of which make the most changes:
(My settings are in the brackets)

r_picmip (3)
r_gamma (1.6)
r_intensity (0)
r_mapoverbrightbits (3)

Not sure about:

r_overbrightbits (0)
r_lodbias (-2)

1) Am I missing any other important "gamechangers"?

My intention is to spot the enemies better. Specially when they are in the distant, it is for me very difficult to locate them. Or when I am in a crossfire, it is also hard.
I thought maybe making the "environment textures" dark and the enemy textures bright, so I can spot them better but I couldn't find a combination to do this.

2) What are your renderer settings? What would you recommend? Which combination do you use? Any tips?

PS: Here we can find all renderers for ET, as you most likely know. I haven't tested many of them yet.

PPS: Yes, it is 2015, almost 2016, and yet here I am asking these questions.
mapoverbrightbits on darkest and intensity on highest is how i roll
Thx, will check that out.
Do you have an NVIDIA card?
No, Ati Radeon.
R9 280x actually.
Best settings you can generally get for high visibility or contrast of the players/ground is this:

r_picmip (3)
r_gamma (3)
r_intensity (0)
r_mapoverbrightbits (0)

+ either putting your monitor brightness to 100, or changing Brightness/Contrast/Gamma settings in your gfx card options
Thanks, will go with this combination then.
Hello friend,

I tried these settings and I can't see a fucking thing at close range in the dark. At long distance enemies show up real nice, but if they are close they go all dull again. Any solution for this?
Put the brightness level on monitor to the highest possible settings + if you have the chance in your graphics card settings, you can put up brightness, gamm and contrast also
r_overbrightbits 0
r_mapoverbrightbits 3
r_picmip 3

gets u going!

Im powi. proffessional ET player.

My settings are:

r_overBrightBits "0"
r_mapOverBrightBits "3"
r_picmip "3"
r_gamma "1.75"

Digital vibrance or the saturation in case of ati card on the max.

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