k den abj rekt



5 maps

WuT 3:2 Abj

last map pure ownage


much whine


image: b9d

On a serious note:

I'm happy that finally Quake Live is "great"(oh lord Quake Live and great in one sentence) when they made it B2P.
If you added it to your steam library in the past, you don't have to buy anything and you can enjoy it.
Just invite your buddy to lobby, search for empty 0/2 server and in one click you're both joining server.
Maximum players in your lobby = 16 so you can play whatever you want.
No maps restriction if it comes to voting.

+ next map pure comeback!
noob said that he has to go sleep but he is still sitting on ts with us till now...
image: HiluiVO
image: giphy
Jesus abject got absolutely destroyed, nice one WuT, see you @ LAN.
inb4 he gets banned for opening google chrome while playing QL image: 1image: 1image: 1image: 1image: 1image: 1image: 1image: 1image: 1image: 1image: 1image: 1
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