United LAN 3on3 Casting

So after my journal yesterday I was working to see if I could get a stream up for today, and I have good news.

ohurcool will be streaming from 9PM CET onwards, this should I guess at least cover the Grand Final, probably more - by the looks of things there is about an hours delay currently and I guess some teams will require breaks + overtime games in playoffs.

I will stream the bracket BEFORE 9PM CET and then transition it over to ohurcool's stream. Main reason I didn't want to do this originally as I know I would a) feel bad to leave before the grand final is played + streamed and b) previously mentioned stuff in the other journal. - now that ohurcool can cover the final, this is ideal all-round I think.

so in essence:

http://www.twitch.tv/merl1nator - Until 9PM CET / 3PM EST (mainly waiting for ohurcool to be ready)
http://www.twitch.tv/ohurcool - After 9PM CET / 3PM EST (Grand Final will be on this stream)

Hopefully this is good for people and the best compromise I could do.

I guess the Playoffs will start in around an hour, I will contact people to try and get login infos for me and ohurcool :) <3
That's really nice, but considering you can't connect directly to the servers I'm not sure it will be much of an use, unless you will cast from GTV which is possible - but it crashes from time to time and delays delays delays
Seems fine to me.
Resolved. He can now connect directly also.
you crazy hacker
Thanks merli :)
Yea, delays man.. We had issues getting the server up and running, sent everyone to online ones and then the servers worked (magic) so we had to switch again, we're all good now tho.
Thanks a lot!
yup still some issues, hopefully figured out for playoffs all or some. would like to catch visual vs. ducks & visual vs. trickjump group games but no big deal if I do not.
Currently only fireball from DUCKS has a serious mouse error out of no where I believe, haven't heard anything else here.
mainly me viewing properly :P I connected to the servers directly but might have inadvertently blown shit up ;)
Typical MerlinatoR
dropped airstrike canister by mistake, kinda reflex.
are you in Bruxelles?
I'm currently casting from gtv, no direct server contact has provuided for me, Bobika stream died, I took over. until merl and ohur take over.
To ensure the stability of the setup, only people trusted can directly connect. ETTV should be stable now however.
Am trying to stream games Merl doesnt cover. Still struggling with a decent cfg and stuff. maybe someone can help me out with a decent streaming cfg which is 16:9?
Thanks for the effort! Can't watch a game without steam
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