Typical love after lan

I'm home and safe, back to 60hz...

Was nice to meet all you bros, to put faces and muscles on nick names. The guys with the most muscles were surely from erase and visual btw image: favicon, maybe also blade and kresti. image: favicon

I didn't talk to everybody there, I was really foccused about my performances in general sorry, gg nerd.

I wanna thank timbo, duco, merl and whoever I forgot for making that lan possible. Also very special thanks to sebhes.

xoxo from yokoo

Was nice meeting you man, love, I'm Just home as well after dropping of dialer at the airport we drove to sebhes' house (incl shaman) and I went of to my own house afterwards.
Thanks for the love m8, Anytime for the fam.

Gg wp was nicee :D
Xoxo from Sebhes
inb4 igla finds out you used cheats on lan
Cu next lan
Well played Yokoo, it was nice to meet you!

PS: thanks for opening the door for dialer at 6 in the morning ;)
cu and your ankles next LAN hipster 8 : ]
:DDDDD cu next lan
Hahahahah its quite awkward and weird at the same time that i know how dem ankles look like LOL
Erase muscles gaming
And then there was you : D
Shhhh or he'll smash your face
cu next lan mec ;)
Was fun mate
What da, why are u talking about muscles?
I tell u what, u have to look at their hands. Most of them were kinda small and u can see if this hands were used for work or just for punching some buttons on the keyboard.

Well but the shirt of Aq was kinda stretched :-P

Thx to every1 who made this lan possible, good work dudes.
you mean those? :D

image: Foto_30.09.15_17_15_14
I'd rather not see your dick m8...
all good, that was taken right after pull up and dead lift day. anyway, was really nice to see you at LAN
fuckign NERD
How about you come to delirium cafe and drink with me as I got stood up by my friends :(
lmao sorry bro I'm working today
Take a sick day then. I am bored and feel bad drinking by myself.

Beer's on me.
no can do, need the money :D
Was nice to meet you yokoo !

cu @ next lan hopefully
Nice to meet you xiiter
Well played mate :)
One thing I will remember from you casting that lan:

QuoteMerlinator: If this is not lan proof boys

Thanks for everything !
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