Aq's LAN weekend


since that LAN was my first crossfire LAN it is still cool for me to create a journal about it. #2k15

it all started on thursday by dropping all lectures at university,
selfie at the startimage: Foto_12.11.15_11_51_30

i did head off at 4 pm and arrived at midnight.
i met the girl from paris who "visited" me for three nights. after getting not that much sleep it took me like 800 metres to get to the botkamp where i met the Germany Germans and their Fanboys who always travel with them to every event.

after realizing that my keyboard and me got really old (because they didnt have the module/converter or w/e from ps2 to USB, so i couldnt use my 12 year old keyboard :D) Norway Domi, Netherlands Testi and me did set up next to each other and the 3on3 format could start. during the day more and more players arrived and the atmosphere got louder and louder especially when United Kingdom w3st arrived :D. in the evening it was almost impossible to hear comms but no one did actually complain about that since it was part of the really nice mood among the players.
eventually taking 5th place wasnt too bad and i could take a photo of us with my brilliant front camera again.

pure BS after last match Testi (showing his pommes arm) Domi and meimage: Foto_13.11.15_15_13_44

dropped out of the tournament i kept on watching games over the shoulders and Germany Rayzed and me even considered casting matches United Kingdom MerlinatoR did not cast. but i was too exhausted after 12 hours of gaming and went to the hotel where i could not manage to sleep again. ps: Danke an die Germany Kling3, was gibt es Besseres als dir an einem Freitagabend mit seinem Mädchen über die Schultern zu schauen? :D

next two days were basically the same, had some boring and some close matches with my 6on6 team - thanks to Belgium Kevin for playing with us one day. after leaving the center yesterday at 5 pm i arrived home at 1 am and now want to share some impressions.

#1 Belgium chry and Norway Domi are nice guys... when they are afk.
#2 there is a difference between Netherlands outlAw and Netherlands kApot of at least 1m, it was like father and 9 year old son
#3 Netherlands Efax and Netherlands iNsAne would have become my bros in real life if i was from NL too
#4 United Kingdom w3st being the most entertaining guy, i really loved to hang around there with you and your lovely girl Norway shimmie (her voice is as nice as on ts - i now know why you fell in love back then :D)
#5 Germany stownage's eyes get darker and darker when he drinks beer but
#6 Germany AoW (for me still not DUCKS) appear to be really really nice guys who smoke more cigarettes than they should
#7 Netherlands Sebhes even changes rules on LAN
#8 seeing how some players actually sit in front of their computers was quite funny (except Netherlands woott, she just chilled herself in the chair and played casually)
#9 listening to bad ass tattoo United Kingdom sqzz was like jfkalsödkjkfsdlfhdksvchkdhg, i didnt understand any word of him
#10 again United Kingdom sqzz and Netherlands Squid appear to be really nice guys with some hell of binds and scripts in their config :D
#11 watching Belgium PlAyer gave me eye cancer, his config was darker than Finland Rong's mind when he gets rolled but he seemed to be really nice too. but he really needed some space and a neighbor to his left wouldnt be possible Belgium PlAyer playing 3on3 image: Foto_13.11.15_19_24_23
#12 Netherlands NoHead... man why didnt we meet earlier? really liked touching you *_*
#13 nice feeling that you have when more and more people stand in your back watching you
#14 nice feeling that you have when saving an objective and hearing the noice in the LAN center because of your action
#lastbutnotleast if there will be one more LAN i am going to be definitely there again, was simply nice to see the guys who i have spent hours and hours on ts with

thanks to Netherlands DelTorro, Netherlands Sebhes and Germany Rayzed for all the effort!

after all i am a bit exhausted as you can see me here with Netherlands Sebhes on the right
image: Foto_16.11.15_10_51_35
and i am going to take a break for some time now.

shoutout to United Kingdom Artstar, Netherlands Hank Moody, France yokoo, France Snatix and Switzerland arrow

kisses to you all i had contact with but didnt get mentioned.

cheers 8 : ]

Quote#12 NetherlandsNoHead... man why didnt we meet earlier? really liked touching you *_*

classic NoHead aka "3beers=helicocktering"

thx for playing mate, cya next one! :)
I helicopter with my weiner, you guys dont, you are straitlaced
glad you enjoyed bro!
It was nice to meet you, good to hear that you enjoyed the LAN :D see u next time
Was nice meeting you there Aq! Had a great time and a lot of laughs:)
Testi flexing on that pic had me laughing hard, nice to hear it was enjoyable :P
would like to see them crazy b/s from squid and squizz ♂
Mirin muscles bro?¿
hehe, really nice to meet you bro ma biggy boy !!!
Nice to meet you mah man
it was really nice meeting you there Aquila, hope to see you another time again!
Sad I couldn't catch more Brainstorm games but it is what it is - glad I caught the game I did vs. FiF had some pretty classic moments lol :D
Is that game by any chance saved? (Testi wants some frags for movie, but I forgot my demos :D)
should be on ettv and Ill upload my cast later in the week/early next week
It was nice meeting you my brother!! Will meet again for sure:)
Take some deserved rest bro

Ps the girl looked cute ghehehe
why are we fanboys? :DDDD

i pretty much know stray from my very first day of et ( yeah i know RIP) and we got friends, and lans are always fun

since i know GermanyFiREBALL is hardly able to setup his gear sometimes, i need to assist those lil kids :D

was nice meeting you!!

and btw go workout more, your arms are to small :D
ok, supporters would fit more then i suppose :D

bis zu nächsten mal
yep thats the way i'd put it aswell :D

cya next time!
Nice meeting and playing with you dude =) We had a good time!
Cool to meet you bro, cu at the next one
Next LAN confirmed.
Aww thats very nice of you :) Very nice to meet you too aq :) Who knows maybe we meet again on next lan :D
Yeah as Linda said it was a pleasure Mr Leipzig, had a good time chatting with u mate, get me on fb, Danny west. How about that w3st :X there be another lan I can feel it
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