My LAN experience

SO I started to write a journal at 17:45, but then my pc suddenly crashed so I lost everything. I might re-write later, not sure tho.

Long story short, had a lot of fun at this LAN, met really cool guys.

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NetherlandsesSe: Worst captain ever, but we had the best walk trip ever from the bar to the hotel
FinlandtoNy: tiger tony bringing his friends to let them watch him play all day :D
BelgiumBuzzer: Got his stomach signed by mAus for beers
BelgiumAzur: Such doge, got me back to the train station and bet all my GTV money on brainstorm
BelgiumPlayer: the try hard from out team, cool guy :P
NetherlandsvANQ: strong boss :D best beer buddy, epic trip with esse to the hotel :D
Finlandsmak: crazy drunk finish guy, smaller than me tho LOL
Finlandrsp: Bit shy but really cool guy :)
FinlandSwani: Another midget even smaller than me :D
United Kingdomw3st: really cool guy from the few time I spoke to you, you're lucky I didn't smash you :P
Norwayshimmie: aka the always smiling girl!
NetherlandsTesti: fucking giant, but cool guy wouldn't hurt a fly gg
NorwayDomi: thanks for the CS account sharing brah!
Netherlands7ele: thanks for the beers, i'm a better drinker than you tho :D
GermanysTOWNAGE: awesome guy, very bad at ET tho
GermanyRayzed: hope you had a good sleep at bar, and no problem for CS carry
NetherlandsSebhes: good lan bro, thanks for crushing my Lan winning dream tho
United KingdomShaMaN: Another midget! really cool guy, biggest skilldrop at LAN and one hell of a lucky guy
Franceyokoo: OSU nerd
Polanddialer: cool guy always laughing :P
Franceb3ck: we fucked him up at the Bus Driver game :DDD
Netherlandsjo0f and Netherlandsins: thanks for the free hotel room guys and letting us in at 7am saturday aswell :D
BelgiumsiL: cool guy aswell! one of the oldest of the LAN tho
NetherlandsEfax: thanks for keeping my lugage
United KingdomGarin and Scarzy: chilled guys, only talk to you guys wasted tho :D
United Kingdomderyn: depressed after not seing United Kingdomsqzz coming back :D
SlovakiaKimi|AHK: cool guy as expected! thanks for the stickers bro
SwitzerlandAquila: chilled guy, very short and no muscles :s
oh and almost forgot Romaniaunforgiven who was too scared to stick to what he said :D fucking skinny gipsy
Cu online Bro <3
garin at lan lolol what is this?
culan :)) shouldve come mate
Was too far away (3.5hr :D) maybe next time tho if there's 1, which should include dirty bomb :3
that's no excuse ;) Today I travelled from Brussels to Charelroi airport -> to Manchester Airport -> To Piccadilly station -> To Cardiff -> To Home :X
Almost like my LAN trip then, bristol (flight cancelled) to cardiff to amsterdam, 3hr train to enschede, train back to amsterdam, back to bristol, to newport and home :D
Dedication l0lol
siL: cool guy aswell! one of the oldest of the LAN tho

haha :D
You didn't even mention our sick tennismatch bro?
gg wp


Ahah too bad we didn't play dude!
sleepless nights key to victory gg
Nice to meet you man, really cool guy!
this guy... <3
u woott m8, u 6 heads shorter than me, mind your words
:DDDDDDDDD nice fucking up tony's pc yes?
You so mean, leave me alone with my screen
its close though ;)
was nice meeting u papim8 xoxo
yes pls midgets unite :DDDDDDDD
Much more nicer in real than online!! But it could be luck tho.. ^_^
This midget, smacked so many people on LAN! :D
this guy knows the shit
haha snat, how can you even serve with your height? i guess always going for 2nd serve slice outside! :DDD
cheers curly ami
I should thank you or I should ask you: Don t you have something better to do during this days, considering what your country and people are experiencing? Please, take at least 5 seconds to think before replying
this guy had to book a new flying ticket because he thought lan would be over by sunday morning. 1 week ban
Ahahah I tried to dodge as hard as I could but you guys forced me to stay. I'm used to the 1 week bans anyway, cu@lan
hahaha cu next LAN m8
Dont forget him skipping 3on3 groupstage..
no probs, I hope you had a great evening,
when I took care of your luggage and of Sweden / Denmark Aq his one.
I remember in the past that the gaming gear of Netherlands Ronner has been stolen,
I don't like that crap thats not me. We need more people like me.
Was it you who got crushed on supply defense? I watched for about 30 seconds and tuned in right at that moment.
ye and then Player accidentally pressed pause :D
Yeah it was wtf was that :D
pleasure to meet you:)
ShaMaN: Another midget! really cool guy, biggest skilldrop at LAN and one hell of a lucky guy

None should not be surprised by this. He started cheating online 2-3 months ago. Sungi even has proofs but we are too lazy to do anything about it.
QuoteSungi even has proofs but we are too lazy to do anything about it.

brb going to laugh
Not as loud as I'm laughing at your lack of muscles.
cba talking to a lower life form about muscles
You sure got me with that one.
image: 4b5ERdG

Netherlands Sebhes & France Snatix
Ahah at least you posted the ok photo :p
John Lennon is that you?
I actually withstood quite well to this Bus Driver game man, you've gotta admit it :DD
QuoteShaMaN: Another midget! really cool guy, biggest skilldrop at LAN and one hell of a lucky guy

I call no lan proof
Cheers snatix, you were a good lad urself. But smashing me my friend is probably a leap of faith :D
He will let me do it like always :D!
Oh eaesse, protecting team mates huh? Guess Il have no choice other than surrender if Ur involved huh? Haha :D
Haha mate u know it! Was nice meeting u, ur a funny guy huh :D!
Yeah same back to u mate, Shanme we didn't squeeze that football match in, next lan let's make sure we do!! That would be good fix some teams before the tourney :)
Nice to meet you Snatix :D you seem like a really friendly and nice guy, and well played too :D
Il a nettoyé le pare-brise des voitures le roumain de mort ?
Il a fear ce fdp de sa grand mère la chienne :D
mdr putain de voleur de poules
QuoteSO I started to write a journal at 17:45, but then my pc suddenly crashed so I lost everything.

calling me a midged. Cu @ lan faggot!
You're shorter than me, that's a fact! cu@lan midget
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