LAN Gwan

Cheers for a good weekend boys & girls, was fun as usual and I'm very glad I came. Community is so much smaller than my first (CIC7), but I think that's made everyone closer, so it's not necessarily a bad thing.

Shout to the admins, your hard work made a fantastic weekend.
Shout to my team for the lols, b3ck for the accommodation.
Shouts to everyone else old and new who I got to talk to over the weekend. You all know who you are.

Hope that there's another event in the future, and hopefully I'll see you there again. I think we've kept that bar from going out of business.

Take it easy and stay well you glorious bastards.
Quoteso much smaller than my first

image: kapright
was so nice to meet u again mate, hope to see u another time lad! xx
xoxo thank you very much for cming was a pleasure to meet you bro
cu lext lan my friend
cu next
next time mate
nice to see you again tricky my man ;) haha
nice to meet u bro
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