More LAN spam

Lets start with a big thank you to Netherlands Sebhes, who put so much time and effort into making this lan possible. Would also like to thank duco, merlinator, timbolina and whoever contributed to making this lan a succes. Well played boys!

Wall of messy text incoming

ET United LAN: Thursday
Right before i met up with Netherlands vANQ at the trainstation i decided to get some last minute prac on nbs. Managed to knife United Kingdom sqzz twice, which he was still upset about when arriving at the lan. Vanq and me then headed to the airport where we had our first beer of the weekend, with many more to follow at Brussel.
We arrived at the airport in Brussel where Belgium Azur and Norway Domi were waiting for us. After some travelling we finally arrived at the lancentre, where we met team ciah and team LLL. We went out to eat something at the worst place ever, and im still happy none of us got sick from that place. After that we went to the bar across the street of the lancentre, where we had some beers. Later on team visual and parts of team trickjump arrived, aswell as some others, and we drank some more. That night ended around 4 am, was fun

ET United LAN: Friday

Vanq and me gathered at the lancentre at around 9.30. I didn't have to play because today was 3o3, but i left my stuff at azurs place the evening before so i went there to pick up my stuff. I met Belgium Buzzer and his cute gf there, aswell as the guy who is unable to remember spawntimes, our dear Belgium Player.
I then went back to the hotel to shower and get some sleep, as 3o3 is boring anyway.

Got back at the lancentre somewhere at the afternoon, where i met most of the other 3o3 players. France Snatix arrived later on that day, and he was even smaller than i remembered, true midget. When the boring 3o3 was over for vanq and snatix, we went to the bar to get drunk as fuck. I seriously believe that all the lan attendees saved that bar from bankrupcy that weekend. Later that night Finland toNi arrived and the erAse lineup was complete. It was getting later and later, and eventhough the groupstage games for 6o6 were starting at 10 am on saturday, we were still drinking at 6 am, which resulted in an epic trip way back to the hotel with vanq and snatix, havent laughed so hard in a while.

ET United LAN: Saturday

Big hangover, i slept less than 30 min and felt so fucked up. Our first game was against LLL, which we managed to win relatively easy, eventhough me and snatix were feeling so fucked. The next 2 games were against visual and the germans, and we got rekt so hard in both maps. Our last game was vs the cats, who are a very nice bunch of people, and we rly struggled in that game, but managed to win it. We played bad the whole day, but ended 3rd in the group, which was fine. Later on I went back to the hotel to get some sleep, only to be waked up by buzzer, his gf, snatix and azur 30 min later, who wanted to go to the centre of Brussel for some decent food and to drink some at a bar. Eventually we got back at the bar next to the lan centre to play some busdriver games, that night ended at around 2.30.

ET United LAN: Sunday

The day that really mattered for 6o6. We picked up right where we left off yday, and played terrible in our first match vs trickjump. Deserved loss 0-4, so we dropped to the loserbrackets where we had to play brainstorm, another bunch of very nice people. They started out great on supply and it looked like we were gonna fuck it all up, but managed a close mapwin in the end. I was relieved, and even more relieved when i heard that they picked radar, which resulted in an easy 4-0 win afterall. We then had to wait a couple of hours for the other playoffs matches at the other side of the bracket, so we took this time to get something to eat.

We had to play team visual next, also a cool bunch of guys who clearly were the favorites in our match, and people expected them to repeat their last lan result. We picked Radar ofc, and managed to set a quick time of just under 7 min. We had some shaky moments in the defence, but managed to hold on. We were in the lead, and more importantly, we started to play really well.

Visual picked Bremen as 2nd map, and what a map it was. We started out attacking and were getting held at the flag for 4 or 5 minutes. After that we got things rollin a bit, and mananged to set a time of just under 11 min. This was a holdable time, but very very hard against such a strong attacking team. We lost the flag in the first 30 secs so things started of great. We managed to hold them off for a few minuters before they got the cp and keycard, and at this point things were looking grim, there were 8 min left for them to get the truck. What happened next was insane, and its best to just watch merlinators stream, as words wont do justice. We managed to hold on and suprise everyone by kicking team visual out of the tournament, the cheers were real the minutes after the match. Visual showed great sportmanship by immediatly congratulating us, but i could see they were devastated, which is very understandable. Sorry boys.

Next up was our game vs trickjump, very nice bunch of guys, and we felt hyped. We played them earlier this morning and lost pretty hard, but we were in a flow now. We started with Grush and we managed to hold them off the tank for over 10 minutes, which resulted in a fullhold. We struggled hard in the attack against a trickjump team that was playing very well aswell that match. We won the map in the last minute, and were leading with 2-0. We felt very confident at this point and knew a top 3 spot would be possible, which would be an insane result. Trickjump chose bremen next and played very well, we werent able to repeat the same defence as the game vs visual, and the score was 2-2. Had to laugh when sebhes immediatly removed radar during the elimination, scared much bro?

Supply ended up as the decider map, and we started on the defence. We held them at the flag for 8 minutes, and we could smell the win. Then things went wrong, we fucked up a few situations and trickjump were playing really well, so they managed to set a time of around 12.30 min. We realized that this shouldve been a fullhold, but we knew that its still more than enough time to win. Unfortunatly, things didnt go that way, trickjump did great on defence, and we were wasting time at every stage. We got the truck in place with 3,5 min left on the clock, where we had a small chance to still do it, but it was too little too late. I was pretty dissapointed right after the match, knowing that we could and maybe should have won that match, but overall we were pretty happy with our 4th place finish.

We went for some beers after at the bar, then returned to watch the final, gg wp both rushit and germans.
After that everyone who was still left went to the bar and i got pretty drunk yet again. The next day it was time to get home, and was pretty happy to get there, as i was tired as fuck.

The lan was so much fun, and great to see how this "dead game" still has so many players attending.
I noticed i already wrote so fucking much eventhough i left out so much stuff. Was gonna end with some shoutouts but the list would get too long and i might forget someone.

To everyone i met: i had a great time with you all. cu next lan xox esse
gg swani losing to erase twice
Haha nice read, entertainable and loved the way you wrote about your matches. cu next lan xox Sebhes
haha thanks bro, u got so lucky ;) cu
Nice read, hope to see you again next LAN!!!
wat een game man, cu lan
nice to see you again my man! its sad so sadddd
haha was fun! its a sad sad situation :D!
gg strong boss :P many beers were taken that day, i'm a better drinker than you tho :D
gg midget! haha how u figured that? Because u drank that last beer?:D
Yes you couldn't drink it but I still felt thirsty so gg real drinking skills :s
maybe because i already drank more beers than u hence u were still thirsty?:S
Avoid radar against these guys. Never got recked so hard before lol!
haha was suprised when u picked it. wp on supply tho!
Was nice to meet you Netherlands esSe !

cu @ next lan
nice to meet u bro, nice dat je er was. Beter fix je ook een team voor 6o6
Ja inderdaad ! Ik ga het proberen in iedergeval :)
i will drink just vodka next time :D <3 gege
haha was nice that u paid a visit. gg
man you must have been fucked up for vanq of all people 2 tell you that you need 2 stop drinking hahahaha
they did? :D
was nice to meet you
u 2 bro, nice support during our game
gg stronkboss.. Had great times!
Was fun wouter! too bad we didnt get a chance to play football.
Wp erase bosses. Cant sleep for days now, jk.
Cu next LAN brother!!
haha wp bro, was gezellig cu
Nice meeting you tall man ;) Had some fun times with you and doge
Nice meeting you baldie ;) ye was fun, doge such a good boy
Had good time specially at the bar :D
allthought your version of bus driver was too easymode...
was fun smakuu!
pls, we played easymode on both versions, so how can u tell?
was nice seeing you and getting rekt by busdriver :X

cu on pub in a few months
haha pls, i wasnt the one who trhew up bro ;) cu
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