My NOT LAN + ET + Unban

I was going to attend LAN, I was actually looking forward to it. I even bought some beer, which at this moment is fermenting in the trunk of my car :(
Sadly, some personal shit came between it.

Looking at pictures (yeah, I'm that creepy guy who looks to all photo's and remember faces), the journals and the threads this LAN seemed to be a fun LAN. But where are the drunk stories? There is at least one guy always playing like shit because he has a hangover. Who is he this time? Or she? Since I saw 2 girls at LAN, who actually played (and yes, Woott was there the last time as well, I know)! Correct?

Call me nerd (my girlfriend does that), but isn't cool that in a pre-historical game as Enemy-territory guys still organize LANS (ty Sebhes, and cheers to Tim)? And that even girls play the game? I know you got random guys like Ipod, but come on this is some cool shit. Btw: it's not that I fancy this game, because girls play this game, that would be quite sexist. I can't, with my small way of thinking, not get that such an old game can still be that 'popular'.
Well I said 'popular' and not popular. (2005 != 2015 et community).

Above all top-players in ETPro, are usually one of the better players in other shooting games. Look at Quake, look at Dirty Bomb, look cs:go (ok not THE best, but still highly-ranked).

Anyway over the years I've sponsored some people/teams. I've always done that with pleasure.
Those who don't know me, don't know me (haha), or know me by that ignorant little kid (ref: Ohurcool, Embarressed,..).
Those who do know me, know I'm always there to help. Unless something personal happens again, then I'm afk for a few weeks. Also they know my memory rules. ;)

Sadly, I wish I could turn back time, and stop acting like a douche. Or go to LAN, and drink with those people I've always wanted to meat/meet: Weslann (weird, isn't?), Sebhes, Timbolina (who does actually alot for this game), 'den dikke' and most important the happily et-couple: Deryn & Gav. Still a bit pissed that I wasn't able to drink a pint with you guys :'(

Anyway, Sebhes (with Tim and Deltorro?) will organize another LAN, won't you? :p



ps: I'm baaaaack (unbanned).
Welcome back!
what were you banned for?
Organizing a LAN is very time consuming. Sebhes and I will always be able to organize another LAN when the same amount of teams show interest. I don't think there'll be another LAN any time soon, but we'll see what happens in 1 or 2 years.
i dont think online events will stay any active without lan announces right now.. :(
about another ET lan more info will be in january :)
Lan location: Poland->Katowice(Where was IEM) or Gliwice(2x sports halls)

GL&HF <3
mAus rekt on sunday morning.

/q deryyn
Anytime with Seb, OTF FAM SQUAAAD
There were more than 2 girls :x
juicy feels ya
People must understand we dont depend of Sebhes and Timbo, with all respect. If in fact there is enough people interested to participate in another LAN they have to do the hard part, in other words, organize it. We just need to get some info from people who already did it and thats it. Stop being so dependent of other people and do you, try you.
I'm not talking in particulary to you Helfag, but for all people who are waiting for the next LAN fall from the sky.
You're right.
On the other hand, I don't think there are a lot of people showing commitment in organizing a LAN.
Would be cool too. Look at what the LAN did to this community, it became back more active (even 'oldschoolers' returned).
Maybe I'll help next time, I also wished to help out now, but things turned out different (ban + family stuff).
We should talk about that if we really want that. If 2 guys can do it, why 3 or 4 of us can't?
Sure thing, first of all is your familly.
I can also help in everything
True. I know this sound like some ego-shit, but I know I can organize such things just bymyself.
But the more people you have, the more time you can divide.
On the other the more people who can discuss about stuff we (not) do.
Above all, having people helping you, who already organized a LAN (in this case), would be a good addition, especially Sebhes.

For myself: I need to get back into this game, I don't play it anymore after my ban. I immediatly went to Dirty Bomb, and now I'm solo-ing on COD. In any case, whatever your intentions are, I'm up for helping.
For now I would say: I wanna help, but I'm not taking the lead. Just helping. Do you understand what I'm saying, cus I can't find even the good words in my motherlanguage, which makes my English even more crappier?

In any way, this game needs LANS. Past two LANS have proven that.
Sure think, i got your point. I don't have any experience in this theme but i already organize a lot of events about sports, so i got some ideia and stuff. As i said I'm also avi to help
Lol didn't read
Probably some bullshit on how you couldn't make it cause you were too busy getting pounded in the ass
Didn't expect anything else.
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