heaveN avi

ey guys
since I came as a spec at that ET Lan reborn and talked to few people, it kinda motivated me to play again
and as some of you already know, I'm trying to get back into etpro & ET in general
so yeah .. i'm looking for some lads to play with, or eventually get a mix to play with on cybergamer, i'm usually avi everyday at the evening from 6PM GMT +1 till midnight, feel free to send me a pm here or on steam
( for those who was at the lan and wonder who I was, i was that guy with a white polo cap and usually smoking joints infront of the botkamp :D )
glgl, nice guy :)
I have seen you, seemed like a nice guy to me. Much luck and hopefully you find something!
Idk how you look like, but thank you man :D
You come to Antwerp, I show you how the legend plays
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