My LAN - stRay

Hello every buddy, after many others did a journal already about how their lan went I will now follow this trend and will try to explain what an awesome weekend I had.

Everything started on Thursday. I had a short night and was the whole week sick already with fever and so on. But ofc this didn't hold me away from going to Brussels to meet my fellos and have fun at doing things we all love to do. I've met GermanyFiREBALL and 2 other friends at my house to take a taxi and go to the airport here in berlin. There we met GermanyEkto and hurried to the checkin cuz we were alrdy pretty late. In the end everything worked good and we got our flight which needed 1 hour and 10minutes to be in brussels. At the airport our fellow mate BelgiumDirtyHarry waited alrdy for us to take us with him to our apartments. At the apartments we got some issues with getting the keys which forced me to drive into the centre of the city to get them. After we managed to come in and so we directly started drinking and playing FIFA. FiREBALL and me were unbeatable :). At the evening around 21cet the rest of the team arrived and we had many drinks together. After that we decided to drive to the Botkamp and visit the others and have some drinks there with them. On the way we got into a policecontrol and we wondered hard how DirtyHarry managed to come threw it with blowing into the alcohol test. He had also some beers and some other drinks. :p At the botkamp we met Hybra, outlaw, gizmo, some erase guys and the fins. We had great talks there and many beers. At around 0.30cet we went back to the apartments with an eatingstop on the way. We continued our drinkingsession and went to bed at around 3cet.

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At friday the 3on3 tournament took place where I had the honour to play with the former champions GermanyKRESTi and GermanyFiREBALL. I had the darkest voice from all at that day cuz Alcohol + being sick went not so good for me. Meant I couldnt scream to much that day :( Our groupgames started pretty well and we managed to win them all 4-0 untill the last one. Meanwhile Germanyazra stepped by and surprised us, which was pretty unexpected and pretty cool :). Then we had our last groupgame vs. Netherlandsvisuals #1 which was a rly strange one. Our only lanproblem started in this game. FiREBALLs mouse stopped working. We tried everything to fix this but no one had the right idea to fix that problem (some driver shitup). In the end we didn't come into our game there and FiREBALL couldnt use his mousebinds like he used them at home.
Then the playoffs started to begin. Our first game was vs ciah #1 which we won without big problems. The next one was vs. xD Trickjump where we had the chance to do better than we did online in the seeding tournament (where we lost becuz of many stupid things). In that game we did really good and all of us shooted pretty well. It was a really intense one. We knew that if we win this we are in the top3 already and have to play visuals #2, who were the weakest team (in our vision) out of the top4. We managed to win 4-2 vs. xD and kept our good gaming up and also won 4-0 to visuals #2 which means that we got into the top2 alrdy and had to lose twice in the grandfinal to not become first.
Thats what happened. We were fucking tired and had to wait like 2-3 hours for the last game. visuals #1 did really good in the final and played better than us and deserved the win. gratz therefor lads!
I have to say that NetherlandsDeltorro did a really nice job this day. He managed all the games and tried to help everyone who had questions or problems. I know many guys didn't see from online or so but he did so much good stuff this day and that without even playing on his own. I didn't even know him and thats what makes it a really awesome thing. THANK YOU MATE!
Also a big thanks to all the nice comments at the stream, at gtv or on crossfire about my performance. It felt really good and i appreciate it much!
After that we went back to the apartments and had again some drinks and tried to go to bed earlier this time because of another groustage starting the upcoming day in the morning - we went to bed at 3.30cet :D.

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On Saturday our 6on6 groupgames took place. Everything went like expected and we did what the most expected. We had really good games and did win the group. Had a harder game vs. visuals who did really good together in their game vs us (what would have helped them also to not lose to erase... ;) ). Not much more to say about the groupstage. Went back to the apartments after and tried to kill all we alcohold that was left over. We managed to do that and the most of us went to bed at ~2cet. FiREBALL,FLoPJEHZ and me wanted to play 1 more FiFa game which in the end were like 6 and made us toooo drunken :p. We went into bed at 4.30cet.

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On the final day sunday I waked up so badly. Felt like being still drunk as fuck and couldnt even walk and talk normally. But shit happens, it was only the day where everything gets decided :p. We had our first game in the playoffs vs. brainstorm. In this game we struggled hard. Maybe guys from outside didn't see that but we all did play pretty bad. No Teamplay and many many mistakes. But in the end it was quite good to have such a game at the beginning.
At the 2nd game we face xD Trickjump who had a top3 seed. They took frostbite as their map and we took goldrush. Both went better for us - 4-0. After these 2 games we had some spare time again. FiREBALL, FLoPJEHZ and me decided to go back to the apartments and have a little sleep. In the end I slept 30mins when the call came that we should come back - After being back we waited another 2 hours to play :D - Thank you team. :P
Then we had to face rushit. This game was so damn close and it could have ended the other way around too. The first map was supply. We got fullheld and started to defend. We nearly held rushit 10mins at the first stage and started struggling at the rest parts. rushit won the first map. On the second map frostbite we stepped up heavily. We did a fullhold on frostbite (haven't seen this in years) due to rly good individual plays (especially from KRESTi) and good teamplay at all. We also did a great attack. 2-2! The decider was goldrush. Normally this map is our best map and no one did win us there for a while. Somehow we struggled on this map so big this day. We had so big problems getting the tank out of position. We did build it like 4 times but it didn't fucking move :p. In the end we did set a pretty bad time and rushit did much better - 4-2 for them.
After that game we specced the decider map between erase and visuals. visuals had the game in their hands but instead of going for objective they decided to go for spawnkills - this ended into an unexpected result - biggest surprise at this weekend im my opinion.
In the lowerbracketfinal we met xD Trickjump again and played solid again - we won 4-0 on Goldrush and Adlernest.
Grandfinal here we are: We had to beat rushit 2 times. They took supply as their map and we goldrush. We started on Goldrush on the defending side and did hold rushit for 12 and a half minutes. Our attack was really bad again - 2-0 rushit. On supply we did much better and did set a 8minutes time which rushit couldn't beat. The decider was radar. We started defending and did some mistakes and rushit played rly good. They did set a 6 minutes time. In our attack we managed to get main, side, the cp and east in like 2 minutes which means that we had 4 minutes to attack the west parts. rushit did better than us in that situation and did win radar in the end. 4-2 for rushit.
In the end our feeling were different. We did a rly good tournament and became 2nd but on the other hand we also had many chances to even get into a 2nd game or even win the upper bracket final. But still, rushit is a great opponent and it has been 2 pretty intense games.
After all games got played we sat down and had a last beer together. FLoPJEHZ, KRESTi, Bl4d3 and stownage left us after that. The rest did stay untill the next day to fly back to Germany.

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My last words:

I had a really cool and awesome weekend. Had so much fun again with my team and will miss it for a long time again. Thank you therefor mates!!! (GermanyBl4d3, GermanyFiREBALL, GermanyFLoPJEHZ, GermanyKRESTi and Germanystownage). Also a big thanks to all our supporters who also helped us rly hard to get this result (GermanyEkto, GermanyGajdos, Germanyazra , GermanyRayzed, TurkeyEngin and last but not least BelgiumDirtyHarry).

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Also a big thanks to NetherlandsSebhes and NetherlandsTimbolina for organising this lan. You guys stepped up this time and tried to solve all the critics from your first one. I also respect it so much how much time u invest for the ET-Community without getting much in response. You guys are awesome!
Thank you to NetherlandsDeltorro for helping out at the lan with the admin stuff! U did really good lad!
A big Thanks to United KingdomMerlinator for casting so many games during the whole weekend. U did awesome and all should know how hard it is to cast 3 days in a row. Respect therefor! Also a big thanks for all your nice comments about me. :* A big cheers therefor mate!
Thank you United States of Americaohurcool for helping Merli out at the 3on3 tournament to bring awesome content to the community.

My last shoutouts go to all the guys I met this lan and had talks with. Met so many cool and nice people. I hope we all will see us again in abit. It was a fucking awesome weekend which I hopefully will never forget.

(Sorry for my engrish :p)
Thanks again for competing in the LAN!

Dirtyharry LAN MVP

Could you upload all your photos here and send me the URL?
Quote visuals had the hand in their hands

gotta see a picture of that
image: pr_1

While discussing tactics
LOL dem Nerds

Appreciated :D
Sick performance by you guys imo, solid plays whenever I watched.
Thank you for the kind words :D , appreciated.

Was very nice to meet you again stRay, thank you for attending the LAN for a second time this year. You and your team played very well on the LAN, next time we will beat you!
Nice seeing you guys again. Cu nextlan
wie high war fatih auf dem team foto?
er hat nicht einen einzigen joint geraucht :P das war nen foto nach gefühlten 4 flaschen schnaps und max 10 std schlaf innerhalb von 3 tagen
cool pics

voll ungewohnt thomaz mit bart zu sehen
gewöhnt man sich dran :*D
Great Story stRay thx for all bro
<3 <3 <3!
Next lan i will stay for longer for sure......
Was fun mate cu next lan for sure!
Nice read! See you next LAN!
Jeszcze pijesz?
nice read, nice games Stray!
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