Dirty bomb problem

Hi guys, i have some problems running dirty bomb, when i try to connect to a server i've got the " dirty bomb stop working" even if my pc have the minimum requirements. Like 4gb, video gtx 1 gb , ddr5, proc 2.66 intel.
Maybe the operating sistem, Windows 7, 32 bits? be the problem? if it's not 64 bits dirty bomb not working?
Tried verifying your game cache? Have you been able to play it before? Operating system wouldn't be a problem, just has a few small problems with windows 10.
yes no big problems with windows 10 but he is using windows 7 32bit :P. isnt dirty bomb 64 bit only?
yeah but 32 is like half of 64 so maybe some less fps but it should work right
There has only been one change, but it is a major one.

OS: Windows 7(64 Bit) edit 32 bit OSs are no longer included in the minimum requirements to run DB. While the game may install and partially work on your system.
But it says 32-bit. Why would they require 64 bits when the application is still a crappy 32 bits piece of shit with only DX9 support.
i played the tutorial, once it blocked, i did restart and after that i was able to finish the tutorial. After that when i try to connect to a server i get the " dirty bomb stop working " :( anyway i'll try to install a 64 bit windows and see what happens...
mai traiesti ma?
RAKU YOU ARE ALIVE! how are you doing? sugi pula
wow raku :)) alive, thats a big thing :)) hi to you mike ^^
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