Future of ET

Hello dear ET community,

It's been a week now since the last LAN, time goes by so fast. I've heard several people talking about how they're already looking foward to the next one, which made me wonder a few things:

1. How many teams/players would be interested in attending yet another LAN? Afaik Visual, cats, trickjump, brainstorm and erase would be up for it 100%.
2. Which date would be the most convenient for everyone? I'd say either in 6 months (somewhere in the month May), or a year from now (somewhere in the month November, as the summer months are a no go.

Let me know ur thoughts xox esSe
Every weekend.
Avi for LAN's.
Firstable let's grab some money from community for some big money online tournament and let people prac a bit then you can consider another LAN and imo if you gonna make next in 6 months it will totally kill any games after it just like now :) gl!
I think 6 months is too soon, the better choice would be to have it around the same time next year (Novermber ish).
However having the LAN a year later will risk people going inactive and not returning which is probably something I would do.

If that's the case then big cups/tournaments will need to be organised to keep people interested until the next LAN.
6 months is fast, but people could go inactive for 3 / 4 months and come back for lan after. If you arrange it in 1 year, activity will drop and even big tournaments will be hard to organise.

For example, big tournaments didnt keep you from going away from the game (untill last moment you were asked to join rushit again).
What would you consider a "big cup/tournament"? Are you talking about number of teams, prize money, special types (NC/allstars/draft cup, etc.), or something else?
I think a variety of all of the ones you mentioned.
Even then its kinda hit or miss, e.g. Allstars will have not so skilled people in there just to fill the numbers - which makes the whole prestige of 'Allstars' drop heavily
wow so inactive
I agree with koop, people will gather for a lan anyway.
please connect it with rtcw then u will have +24 ppl
Not terrorist city brussels again ples
sebhes literally put our lifes in danger
Lets host one in the Netherlands again :)
His new tactic
Poland seems the only safe place in europe now :S
UK* They're not letting any fucker through.
I vote for september. Still warm evenings and 'xD gonna bring cheerleaders to next lan so they can wear mini skirts.
I totally agree with koop, people will gather for a lan anyway. Doesn't really matter when it is.

e: But September would be a nice date for next lan in my opinion. Because i will be 18 thenimage: favicon

And i'm kinda motivated to host some more cups to keep ET alive :)
next lan I m avi to play, already looking for 5 players to re make the Inglorious Bastards legendary team
ib! public server, good old time man
interested but not within the next 6 months
I'd go for another LAN in a year time from now. Hosting another one too soon after this one might be troublesome for people coming from far countries (money). The people interested in a LAN a half year from now, will be still interested in a year time.

Quote by koopIf that's the case then big cups/tournaments will need to be organised to keep people interested until the next LAN.

Quote by iglaFirstable let's grab some money from community for some big money online tournament and let people prac a bit then you can consider another LAN and imo if you gonna make next in 6 months it will totally kill any games after it just like now :) gl!

Money tournaments won't change anything if it is not a significant amount of money people can win. Having price money for the United Cups did not increase activity whatsoever. In my opinion it was just a waste, people will play if they want to and not be motivated cause of money (maybe except for Belgium chry).
IGLA just saw himself getting carried by razz, chry, sqzz and co to win some money
Rake in some money before pressure on lan is too much
lol bobi u seems mad
If we collect like over 1k Euro or so in those few months (which is possible) I'm sure people would join this CUP: )
The last LAN only received something like 50 euros in donations, iirc. I highly doubt there would be 1000 in donations for an online tournament.
Now we got way much more time, if you would help Sebhes etc somehow to make and it will be played with CG AC etc. im sure a lot of people would join + i could easily doante 50 euro for this :P
Highly doubtfull.you think too highly of this community thats left.
Wouldnt u donate 50 e for this?
I would do it if the interest was high enough.
Activity which is driven by money would probably just end with some allstar team being formed and winning it, then leaving afterwards anyway. It's not a way to create stable activity for the ETPro scene.
I thought the exact same, don't see it getting more than a couple of hundred euros as an absolute maximum.

Quote by iglaNow we got way much more time

That's not true and not relevant, don't expect people who read cf once in 2 months to donate
You not risk anything if we try to do it.
Finland huuda is rich he will help
And if its gonna happen im sure every player would donate min 10 e
Get motar2k interested.
QuoteAnd if its gonna happen im sure every player would could donate min 10 e etc

u can also donate the 1k directly to rushit. Why would u donate so much when 1-2 teams (rushit/germans) r able to win the "cup". and with this playerbase u will never reach the 1k mark, NEVER... and u wont find any sponsor aswell

only solution: move to dirty bomb and increase the activity in this game, this game still has a chance to get sponsored/getting big (eventho the chance is low but still higher than et)
Yup, thanks for your precious opinion. now u can back to DB , cu
ok then lets see if u gona get the 1k and if there gona be "big" cups, dont embarrass yourself. everyone can have hopes but this is just bullshit ;) but ye u r igi
all I see is people wanting to play a game they've enjoyed consistently since teenage years, and tbh a lot of the people still interested in ET are the ones not willing to spend +130h/week to be the best. you started ET like 10 years late so I can understand why you can't relate. ;P
gotta love how blunt you are my man <3
after consider:

i hope u were supposed to reply Specula, right?
no? you silly :D
dont steal my igla! <3 GAME ON >:D
what u mean :XD?
im trying hard to steal igla his heart HANDS OF! :DDDDDDD
using that logic, I think you should abandon dirty bomb and move to CS:GO. CS:GO already has huge sponsorship and far more players than DB will ever have.
u r right but db is closer to et than cs will ever be ;P but ye currently im playin more cs than db but only till the new tournament gona start then im back to db
But they're not ET. If ET were to die and there would be no more scrims, I would probably quit playing games all together. I think that is the case for a lot of players right now.

On the other side, if everyone who quit / won't come back for no reason other than ET being dead were to play again, we would have 100 6on6 teams easily.
Yeah, wonder what do these players that always comment here saying:"lol @ et deadest gejm ever" do? Play MM in CSGO? Much more fun! Play an even more dead game DB? Ayee lads!

Shame some of the czech guys have proper reasons why not to play :(
Bitte halt deine hurenfresse, danke.
Q me if you need playa
I ll play for naked girls
LAN before September.

Make Polaks come, try to persuade players that can persuade their old buddies to come back to have fun and a beer, get 16 teams.
Do ShowMatches, allow people to stab igla, try to create something, where you don't have the same 14 players playing against each-other every day... Create some interesting cups for viewers that merlin could stream(if the players would be up for it and he also).

Last chance, contact Activision and told them they're cunts
Think the only way most of the active pl would come if hosted in pl.
I think someone (sonny?) mentioned it on Merlin's stream that someone wanted to do another CGS with ET there?
no, just no, stfu bobi :D
Dnno about that. But sonny hosted the previous one yes.
yep, he did mention that.
No more LANs for me

Unless I need to go carry legendary Finlandwalle
ok we go LAN
end of august/september is the best choice imo... its not too much time and not too less! u can count us in ofc!

btw ofc enschede was way more familiar.. i liked the botkamp but that might because of the awesome setups.. if its doable to have such setups in enschede it would be fucking awesome!
End of August 2016. Most people go back to University September onwards right? (i.e. fumble)
End of August bestest (y)!
September/October 2016
esse you suck
motif and i are avi for a team with ugly nerds so we look even more pretty
all good, bitch. did not see your ass at the lan or you were to busy trying to blow something up?
What are you trying to do? you are max 65KG, skinny and fucking weird, you'll get your face beat up so much that you'll look more attractive than you actually are fucking faggot
Where was this big mouth at LAN? :S
Always been there?
Can't remember you walking towards unforgiven and telling him what's up :/
lol :D are there any pictures of that clown?
i was on a army exercise friend, i wanted to come but yea life happened. hopefully next time
im not sure how many people will stick around in a year, or will make a comeback for it
I'm not sure whether it matters much if it occurs six months from now or a year from now. Those who love ET will stick around for the online tournaments, and those who don't will probably come back a couple months before the LAN, regardless of when it occurs.
Can't promise I'll be there, as I'm leaving for travels in February.
You got any good connections with the organ mafia there?
Where are you going? (or what is the general plan?)
Starting in the US and then thinking of going to Australia. Nothing's really planned out though.
sounds quite nice already, have fun and keep facebook updated :p
it shouldn't be decided now. if there's activity and interest in Jan, Feb & Mar then a LAN could be announced for any date between April, May & June, if there's clearly not enough interest from the community then it's just about waiting until people get a little more hungry for their fix of ET.
Right now in Brussels
jtai pas vu a la lan toi d'ailleur
J'étais pas à BX ce weekend là
isis will destroy ET server hosters and there is no more future for ET
I'd go depending who went
I think the community should pick 8 players who will be captains :)
they then pick lineups :)
More money will fix exactly nothing. You will have the same few players dominate and take home the prize.

It seems to me, based on journals over the last week or so, the LAN wasn't really about money & glory. Once you take away the computer screen (& behave like actual human beings) this community manages to get along quite well. Lots of you came back to have a beer with old mates, many of you made new friends. How many people go to LAN to make money? The casual drunkards are paying sqzz's plane ticket and going home with empty pockets and a weekend full of good memories. Why not make it more accessible? Eliminate a cash prize (mice or herbal's bananas or a crate of good beer), lower the entry fee enough to cover expenses. You could potentially see more interested players, especially if it means you won't be paying €[insert cost of last lan per one player here].00 to play 3 games.
Quotebehave like actual human beings

TIL there is a definition of how humans are supposed to behave.
I just don't count the way half of these people behave on the internet as normal. Shooting off internet meme flavour of the month and telling everyone "rekt" or "u mad" like you're some sort of 8 time internet troll world champion is most certainly not normal human interaction. That is mostly eliminated offline, unless you have Asperger's.
Use cash prize to provide free beers and bitches to everybody. I'm sure people would be willing to donate more.
If you want more ideas to save a dead game contact Marseille LeFrancis.
who paid his ticket?:S:S:S:S:S we made 0 from lan lol actually at quite a loss :)
It's almost as if it's no longer profitable to play a 13 year old game.
You used the money to bail 33,3% of the team out of jail?

image: giphy
CU@LAN with Clarkeem8
Early September would be the best choice as it coincides well with people that are students. See you there if I'm not already away!
Away to what?
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