sup with db?

any cups on it coming soon, is the MM system still buggy and are you able to find games from there, meaning decent games?

just wondering, csgo feels so booring and dont have the motivation for it
mm system far better, but when u r a 5man stack of cobalt2-elite then u wont find a game cuz of the lack of "high" ranked players and low playerbase

there r no cups/tournaments atm and many teams arent praccin at all anymore

I heard rumours that there will be soon a winter/spring cup but this isnt sure yet, adetoo need to convince them more and we need more support from the devs

the fact that u cant play private matches without an admin to pause/change map is just stupid as fuck.
why they are not organizing any cups? why do the community need to convince them to do so :D
i dont rly know the exact reasons why they dont do it either they r retarde or just unmotivated, only adeto knows more than everyone else here maybe also oxy

and adeto is also one of the admins but a pretty new one so they rly dont listen to him what he suggest to do, he always wanted them to host a tournament and not only odcs but after many months they might gona do it what i have heard from adeto

imo adeto/oxy should be the headadmin from dbnation and not those unexperienced noobs like bitey, then everything would be far better, better cups, better RULES, better organisation

but well devs dont give a fuck, headadmins from dbnation dont give a fuck, its pretty sad
thanks. so i will see in couple of months if i can bother myself enough to start playing this game
Dirty bomb got a lot of potential and its really fun to play. Just not enough players playing this game, playing at a high level is getting dull fast with only 2 good teams around. Oxy as an headadmin is not a good idea, he only whines about the game and accuses people of cheating.
oxy is not admin material anyway :-)
No, I'm not. Which is why I declined a few times already. :P

Anyhow, don't think there's going to be anything for DB in a long while, game is at its worst state, ever. There's really no motivation to keep on playing, from anyone. There may be again, in few months - but as of right now it is quite literally unplayable in a competitive fashion.

As for DBN, not sure what they're up to, not really interested either. Pretty sure it fell apart, half their admin team quit and moved games, the other half can't be arsed.

Adeto was planning to run a cup: But I don't see that happening anymore, SD managed to piss him off, out of all the people that stuck around and tried to talk all of us into giving it another try - over and over again - they actually managed to get him upset enough to rq.
Eeh, sounds like its time to seriously stop playing FPS online games :x Thanks for filling me in
The game industry seriously does not give a fuck about any competitive side of their games, mostly because it take atleast a couple of years for new player to get good , in those years they could try to sell those new player 2/3 games + alot of dlc or maps or skins or asdadgftt

which community ppl would be glad to do for free :D
weird, meaning by pro scene they get more media attention for it, streaming and shit and that could mean more players, more money
This is for wolfenstein tno

Within a week of its release, Wolfenstein: The New Order became the second-best selling game of 2014 in the United Kingdom, totaling a quarter of all games sold in the region and accounting for 36% of revenue. By June 2014, the game had sold almost 400,000 physical units in Europe, equating to over €21 million

with 21 million you could make a couple hd remakes buy engines source codes run leagues and what not :<
Have you moved to another FPS yet?
Overwatch or CS?
Overwatch most likely
CB? dead already
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