Legion TD 2


Website launched, game publish 2016. Will be available through Steam. See more through their website. (At top of page game guide, forum, media etc.)

Been playing Legion TD Mega last 2 years, a mod from original Legion TD. Anyway, check website, its competitive etc. u know the drill, great game. Off to play some LTD Mega now-->
Playing LTD Mega via Entconnect currently. Used to play a lot with my friends but they've lost interest but I think Legion TD 2 will bring a lot of players back :]
I'v been playing via suchbot, https://suchbot.com/
Currently playing version 3.5 b13 with -ph oldschool mode. Does ent have only 3.41 version or does it host newer ones too?
Ent's default mode is -phgmcb and the version is 3.41c(?) with merc completely out of the game. Is cross building restricted in your version of the map?
No, its allowed, same as mid building. Also lumber saving is possible and players have heals(10,000hp) with os(old school) mode.
You can read changes from 3.5 b5 to b13 from here: http://legiontd.in-goo.com/t451-legion-td-mega-3-5-beta-13-general-discussion-and-feedback (page 1, first post)
looks like tibia 3d
Its Warcraft :-]
so its good then ;D
Boss, you're alive!
Ofc, lurking around without commenting&participating for years, u know me :)
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