Biggest bust?

Who's bust did you think was the most shocking?
Or thought was gonna happen but never did?

I say Canada monkey for never getting busted
dunno man, i dont think anyone really good has been busted? someone like senti or sup3r who already played in decent teams and then decided blatantly start hacking? mize? razz if we count that. lunatic, keran, shy for pub hacks. Or My favourite is Irska probably, again pubhack. kenta was like an early version of newschool cheaters we have had recently, total shitters who only can play good with hacks. I guess Abject must be one of the top "biggest bust" also, who knows what the truth was there. Probably forgot some.
Irska sai pb kickiä turboje pelissä :D
crewin pubikoodit!!

mutta joo, eipä ole ollut semmosta joka ois top kähinöihi ittensä koodeilla pelannu täysin ja sit bustaantunu, vaikka arvelin että tämä palkinto ois menny tony/tonille :)
Tonihan nyt perusti zZz aikoja sitten sen tanskalaisen kans muistaakseni ja nehän nyt pelas top tasolla. Saa ite kommentoida tähän jos sitä kinostelee.
tarkotin, että sitä hänen bustaustaan odotin ehkäpä eniten, kiitos lan dodgen
senti was pissed off i guess and decided to cheat with myth6s and MoD, was expected
razz was fun tho
I say sebhes for never being busted using stroids
Indeed! :D
Has to be team PT, team belgians and razz. And Perfo was also huge.
Belgium vila was definetly a funny one
Pretty sure monkey was busted? Or at least Banned on cb?
He had a pbban from like 2006 or something, before he ever started competition.
was banned on cb with the name ollixd or something
Netherlands perfoheissers
image: 2618670_0199714375_Kappa
Quiet you riflecam user!
As for sheer impact during an event I'd say the team belgium powered by netCoders was pretty big eventhough this was in the later years of competitive play. When thinking about 'personality' probably the high profile idiots who started cheating 'because they wanted to quit/bored'
Upload for sure
not biggest but England _evan and England rahula/hentai/ipg ":D".

I guess some of the nC big busts were fun.
Finland Sample. Right before a match.
mAus was never actually busted but cheated for long time. Anyone whos not a complete idiot or a salty fanboy can confirm that adler action vs myLegend is not legit. Also that timeout for a milisec on bremen and still tracking at some cpc is weird

Vila, zeto, jetro the cheater trio was fun too
Actually he get caught in 2k11 by punkbuster for multihack, but still
image: dt1J9I6
yeah, youre def right.. think I saw a clip from grush as well, where he dodged a nade he couldve only seen if he saw nades through walls?
"from grush as well"

you mean the position he held for his entire time playing ET? yeah, I think he'd learnt by then to predict the attempt to nade the guy @ main boxes prior to a main/split push.
I think he is talking about mystic, remember some random vid of him pushing towards side entrance/stairs from cp side, didnt seem too much in it though :D
oh yeah, that's the one.. my bad, apperantly it's mystic
nah, that wouldn't be suspicious at all as you point out :p
I recalled a clip of mAus @ main boxes, good to know you were thinking of an entirely different player :D
team portugal



Even with cheats is not enough
alexL_bremen_b3.avi :D
lol no proof
i was expecting titty pics here, disappoint
Belgium vila

Who should've got busted, but never did, eventhough he cheated? Finland webe
Breaking news: webe was banned for cheating in past.

I don't remember shocking bans. Every single worm who got busted were obviously cheating. It is more shocking how people flame Poland. Pathetic. All of the players hate Poland in every game. They definitely have many many busted players, but in ET I consider France as a bigger cheater country. Polish busteds were randoms, while there have been more somewhat knowm French cheaters : )

Ince, sub and luda have never been busted. Seems like they were just better than the other Estonians I considered as good players back then. 99% of busted cheaters were mental tryhards, I wouldn't be able to name more than 3-4 cheaters who ever achived anything big, and it means people's respect, not some gold.gif
give french names!!
okko, nirv, France t4ce, etc. you are right they are same level noobs like polish jaymod cheaters. Sorry
You are so newschool you wouldnt know even if he told you oloolo!
stfu emo cunt :D
Pure skill man, no hacks :P
luda was weird as fuck that's true :D
Hating Poland is only an ET thing isnt it?
In CS or DOTA EU people mostly hate Russia/(Germany).
United Kingdom MerlinatoR somewhere in 2012 fall cup wb2 round vs cave where he used some exploit to get an airstrike blow over whole village map and kill all of us:
what a shit i think

+1 for homie motivational speech
we always loved that speech "they cant be that good if we can full hold them"

such motivation, much hype
what i meant with that is that normally one soldier is unbeatable but we fullhold and it's 0-0 after first SW. Maybe we have a chance, let's pwn tralalala gogogo
yea we guessed that's what you meant :D
Vudka ofc XDXDDD
[flag=rivatuner]raZz, Hungaryz3ro aka cony and PolandIRAZUS - biggest bans ever.
perfos brother
Holy shit, that takes me back.
Here were all naming legends and you come with that scrub noname lol
waiting for sanjih's ban
u'll need to wait for next 2 cgac updates then. first will finally make it installing and working properly, 2ndone will make it detecting cheats.
Bit of off topic but anyway,

No idea how effective anticheat program CGAC is after all, cause I believe there is plenty of cheaters still playing at somewhat good level. Not naming anyone, but people who I currently suspect are mostly from France & Poland.
ye i agree, abj should have recived a lifetime ban kappa
I've never considered Abj as cheater.
Should I post the video of you lagging and aimbotting
Poland gnajda - surprised nobody mentioned him, especially considering FF were beating top teams in EC while gnajda was ragebotting every map
Belgium overload
Hungary seNti
France shaq
Belgium vila (2y after ovr bust)
Poland wiaderko
u buy cigarettes i buy bot :DDDD
it was just the fact that noone ever thought gnajda was clean though :D would've been the same if nirv and co got into some EC team, would have ragebotted everyone and then get banned. Not big news

think moomoofarm's one player ban was quite a surprise, busted by chmpp
dont deny it, pls
The thing is we sucked so hard in 6vs6 even with a hack so nope, i don't think it would've been the same !
it wasnt the point mate ;)
H3 and obviously this wakizashi, his skillz were too insane!!!!
Netherlandsesse aimbotting hard every game still not busted
Playa >D
image: iziThereChamp
Not having the worst damage or score, i was rocking it! :D
Germany gr0ss ?

insert gr0ss_lul_1_test

Cwg mummy lol lol llø lml olll
he was busted?
lol yeah, he bought himself and his whole team etBots
illumise using cracked etbot on offis :_D info from chizz6l!!
if i would say Poland Abj?
Trzeba było to skonsultowac że mna zanim wysłałeś to w internet.
jere, wiaderko

for me for clean playn from the beginnin
Uuu to wtedy direct invite do rushit.
my rivatuner-crosshair accident on cod4 that got me banned on CB and therefore ET :ss
keNta, juNky, you buy cigarettes i buy bot, overload
razz, phyzic, wiaderko, lunatic, kresti, kris, wizzel, _shy, keran, kevin, vila, zeto, slajdan, sample, mind, sup3r, abject, motif, senti, mise
lets add some

killa, jyrkz (:XD), mAnki
Gotta be perfo surely especially with the whole (true) brother story.

Alternatively, Razz getting persuaded to use Rivatuner :D

PS RIP Wiadro xx
did i miss wiaderko bust? didnt he go to LAN and perform?
Yeah he was busted after ET was already dead basically, think he cheated in a offi and everything to but I'm pretty sure he just didn't give a shit and wanted a reason to quit. Not really a 'big' bust in my opinion.
alexl when he got busted for the 7th time. could have sworn he was clean by that point!
still, so loved by the community
helps to be a nice guy and basically don't give a fuck :D
hey I tought we were friends!!!
Ireland Ufo Turtles
The best one (even starring a random noob):
Mr France wype / arnej <3
The most shocking thing is that 75% of busted guys are still active and allowed in official competitions.
RIP poor ET... xD
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