how to...

ze me again,

What do i need to do, so i dont have to exec my cfg every time ? should i put it somewhere ? rename it ?
cba to exec it every single time. Want to have it in everytime i start ET. And that my cfg wont change any settings.

thanks schon.
exec it in etmain, then load etpro and exec it there. your settings should stay then.
did that already but didnt do the trick. thx anyway.
rename it to autoexec.cfg or add a new config named autoexec.cfg to your etmain folder with "exec <config>" in it
so you're saying that i shoud rename my cfg to autoexec.cfg and put it in etmain and then just exec autoexec.cfg ?
or should i put it in any profile folder ? the etpro profile folder ?
autoexec.cfg (if it exists) is automatically exec'd every time you run ET

kinda basic stuff :P check out for more info
Why won't you just explain it to him, he clearly tried everything already.
or just rename it to etconfig.cfg
only cvars and binds are saved in etconfig.cfg
put stuff like set x vstr y into autoexec.cfg in etmain or etpro
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