What is your gaming clothes

People always want to show their desk, gaming room, gaming setup, how u hold ur pussy

but how the fuck do u even game? Longshirt, t-shirt, gaming-gloves like the guys cpu & teente, or maybe like me?? naked? while eating peunutbutter before every respawn.

image: 12301212_1537653989893372_1074117213_n

expect everybody to post how they game & maybe what u eat while gaming.

wow ahah nig nerds. That is nice btw
No, you are nig nerd. That is nice btw
no, just sexappeal ;o))
nice :D! like a pro football player with names n stuff !
Yes, but you can leave pro out of that sentence
actually only in my socks and with a drink (T.D. / J.D.) next to my keyboard and a yogurt :s
so your naked with socks only, no underpants?
Yep, if it's nice and warm in my room, if not then I atleast were some undies
I play dressed from work ;-)

...and why would u play shirtless?
work as an professional gamer?
No, im an informatic engineer, working in a software company.
I always go around in underwear at home
U must live alone then
well i got my own apartment ofc
Living with my dog, mom, brother and going around with my ballsack hanging #noshame
Naked with my alexL gaming boxers ;)
lol the one i sended to you for like 9 years ago :D?
I just wear whatever I come home with, happened not just once that I played in a suit :D When I was at army I was sometimes even too lazy and tired to get out of the uniform
haha, did you aim better with army suit?
No, not at all :D Winter was cool, I got enough sleep, but summer was a fucking horror, so when I got home from army by train, which usually had no air condition, I was completely soaked with sweat and obviously I had no chance to feel any confortable at all in that uniform :P And when it comes to wearing a suit during gaming, for the first few minutes my lazyness holds me back from getting rid of the jacket, then again the shirt cuffs annoy me and it takes another few minutes until I am finally pissed off enough to finally fold them up :P
Naked + peanutbutter
peunutbutter <3
Whatever I have on during the day time or comfy trousers on weekend/evening.
Topless if it's warm and I've had a lot to drink :D
I hope u dont mean alcoholic drinks
Schnapps makes everything better after a long day of work :D
dont understand german
The important thing is not how you are dressed, it's HOW YOU SIT. Sitting with your legs across like a fag increases accuracy by at least 60%

image: sitting%20wrong
ur making it tight for the balls&dick bro
True! It's important to rest your balls after a long gaming session.
It's not like he has any, so... ":D"
and btw its important how you are dressed, dont you remember our talk about playing with longshirt to your arms and short armed t-shirts.

The longshirt interrup your aiming cuz hitting the desk / mousepad!!!!
Tomorrow you will read your comments again and come to the conclusion that you are high as fuck
might be something like that :D

i even nipslipped for crossfire
Yea, that's true. I like to wear long sleeve sweaters but I always roll up the sleeves when gaming! It's important.
I sometimes game like this #nohomo
can confirm, it works for girls as well
Which is better: playing with or without bra?
with, it's the same rule like with long sleeves, everything has to be under control
Wow! I just tried this and it seems to work. Can you help me with the math? because I'm not sure if I get the full boost. Currently I'm my normal 30% acc increased by 60% so I'm on 42% now. But I was wondering If I should get an absolute boost of 60% that would get my aim up to 90%, what am I doing wrong!?
THIS! I thought Im the only one who does that and never had a chance to mention.
my life just got 85% better, now i just need a job. thanks!
Pajama + robe .. so confy *.* (i only play at night or never at all)
I also play naked using my dick to press the mouse keys
T shirt and jogging, must not have socks on!
such shitpost
1st time i have to agree with u :D
what do you mean with 1st time, you thunder cunt...... you already agreed with my plenty of times back in the days.

still love you, you silly nazi
Joggers and tshirt, cant even bother with long sleeves, annoying as hell.
wetsuit & fedora
Naked, so I make sure there's no obstacle to my penis (apart from my desk) when I have a boner after owning noobs.
didnt even read ololol
i wear a suit
damn alexL, Believe me, I would like to put my dick in your mouth...
I like to see big boys screaming, comeing next lan?
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