gtv kicks

is there nobody that can stop this brainless molested kid that got assraped by his whole family with kicking everyone? why would you be such a frustrated little kid
._. sups going on
This is so sad, doing that on a dead game hahaha dat guy such a retard
QuoteUnforgiven: It''s not pathetic
If you quote something, quote the whole thing maneer...otherwise just stfu and don t quote me aub.

Dank u!
Niet lachen met dikke mensen, anders moet je helaas ook met jezelf lachen :(
fucking hurensohn u say something about my family again u can skip the next lan I swear on God I m gonna bash your fucking head with a keyboard
can you lift that m8?
Well let s try shall we? Bring your keyboard next lan, come to me, and we ll see if I can lift it...m8
Man you so crazyyy. Chill out homie!
ça va ça va, en met jou? :)
GOed ik ben prima
what happend?
Quote by zaaba
image: prjQV2ZSqeoUwz6WdnPe_2zogeap
make no sense to play this xD cup cuz this retard is destroying everything in gtv
Bei der Gruppe wohl auch besser so
krass ne wir spielen nach 1 jahr wieder son cup mit direkt wollen die uns wieder raus ficken
Ich wette PEGIDA ist schuld!!
ne diesmal war es dein vater
die alte nazisau, wundert mich nicht :S
war schon komisch als du meintest du heisst honecker mit nachnamen
Meine Mutter hieß Braun :)
Greetings to zAAba anyway gonna destroy him and his frends net 3 days more :c
zaaba is my idol, oh great zaaba plz teach me your way of doing this and i shall keep continuing your glorious work after you are done with this!!
alluah ak zaaba
thats my motto
Calm down cherry, calm down !!
why so serious its ET and almost 2k16
gtv kick? players or spectators?
Someone seems to keep getting into the gameservers used to play GTV matches when a match is running, then goes to referee using rcon to kick players from the game/DDOS the gameserver. RCON's have been changed but it seems to be one of those ET bughole situations.

We are working on it though!
Did you try noquery? Somebody told me it could help. I always use it on my own servers.
This is exactly one of the workarounds I was searching for, thanks!
I experienced a small DDoS attack the last few days on my server Most of the time it's just a UDP flood flooding the open ports. The attack is not really big in terms of bandwidth but the PPS is pretty high. It's not really an advanced attack, since the same pattern is always used. Typical script kiddie attack using the known tools on the internet.

When comparing the source IP adresses used in the attacks to known blacklists I noticed that many of the source IP's are on the Spamhaus blacklist
I used the server you provide to us 2 days ago. When playing our match we experienced a DDoS attack. Really sucks. I dont know what can be done about it.
bring some love and acceptation to that ddosing guy, thats only what he wants from us.
The ref "bug" itself is a pretty simple thing. He just pretend to the server that he is the one who is "hosting" it as a listen server as original ET server gives automatically ref to these people by default when they connect. Even ref disabling does not help because of this "way".
That one is patched
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