maximize hitboxes


i was wondering if there is any way or whatever to make enemys more hittable ? cuz sometimes i aim directly to head or body and no hits...

move ur mose more pricely maybe+?
play game with better netcode
turn on antilag etpro maybe
I found a solution to this problem
cg_autoaim "1"
a_aimfov "0.377"
r_mode "4"
sponsored by #lotte.priv?
Oui monsieur ;)
ask zaAba, he has some cool pro0gram to help you
aim just above the head
I can provide u with a cool tool for only 5 euro
Welcome to ET and it's glorious hitbox sistem.
Change cfg.
/exec pollo in console
back when I was young we didnt complain about them hitboxes

man the fuck up
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