Benq XL2411 Colors

So last week my Acer GD245HQ died after the main power supply to my house was taken down for a little bit. After it came back on, the monitor had died.

Tried to revive it but since it was not the fuse that had snapped or anything else that appeared to be the culprit and could easily be replaced, I went and bought a new monitor. The Benq XL 2411.

After turning it on for the first time the first thing I thought was "holy fuck.. horrific colors".. After a couple of days and some tweakingI still have the same feeling. These colors are really terrible.

Since a lot of you also have an XL2411, can you post your settings so I can see if any of that helps? Because I'm about to return or sell it because the quality of this screen is simply terrible at the moment.

Thx to esse for providing me with a decent icc profile. After that it was a matter of adjusting gamma on monitor (I set it to 5) and adjusting gamma in windows a little bit as well to get correct gamma... Now it looks a lot better.
i think i got it on "photo" from those premade options. quite alot nicer to watch movies and shit with that on rather than some of those "fps" modes.
Assuming you didn't get a defective unit, I would say it's a trade-off for having totl gaming monitor. Back in the day when I was buying my dedicated gaming monitor, I decided to go with Eizo FG2421 - 120Hz is good enough, input lag still in acceptable range for fps games and it has much better colors than any BenQ/Asus gaming counterpart (at that time it was sort of important since I planned it to be the only monitor for my home setup).
When I plugged it in and turned it for the first time I was like "holy shit, that looks terrible" - gradient banding, colors looked faded, lifeless (pretty much regardless of settings). And it looked even worse after I had it side by side with my older FS2333 - I was on the verge of returning it because I thought there must be something wrong with it, it cannot look THAT bad. But if I want 120Hz+, I have to settle for shit picture quality, no way around it unfortunately. I can't even imagine how is the image on that BenQ considering that FG2421 is supposed to be superior when it comes to image quality :D
Naaah, the acer I had was also 120hz.. one of the first monitors to do that and it has superior colors to this piece of shit.
Not perfect but you get used to it pretty quickly. I just copied these when I first got mine, never bothered to change them after.
yah, I googled around and those are the settings i'm using now, but still... shit colors.... I miss my Acer :(
R 92, G 93, B 97
Lower gamma in gfx card settings and put up d. vibrance
Unfortunately that seems to be the general trade-off for getting the high refresh rate screens. I got my mother some hybrid-ish IPS panels from HP a year or so ago and even though the ghosting is probably off the charts, the image quality is exquisite.
I guess, but the Acer GD245HQ I had and died was 120hz as well and had way better colors and overall screen quality. /me sad :<
Yesterday my dad said his old Acer laptop (we slapped a new HDD in there) had a way better screen than his newer Asus one as well, despite both being regular low/mid range laptops.
I fail to see the relevance.
As in that older Acer products seem to have superior image quality. :D
Aaah. /me = Faalaap
Turn off black equalizer, if its even on by default.
yah I turned that off right from the start. but that wasn't the cause for the bad colors.. appeared to be a very very wrong default gamma setting in this monitor.
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