Which windows

I want to format my laptop and install new fresh os. Right now I got 8.1. Which one do u recommend? Thanks to my college I got possibility to install 7,8.1 or 10 if I want to.
My laptop is not a powerful,piece of work: i3-2328 with 4gb ram, intel hd 3000 and nvidia gt635m. Default os was windows 7.
Of course any experience according et is welcome, but I suppose there is no difference here?
Supposedly, the newest windows versions should always be the best, if it's at a point where its already a stable version.
I don't have a great laptopt either, it's probably worse than yours, and I'm doing fine with Windows 10 for 3 days now, after upgrading it from Windows 7.
Takes a little time to get used to, and I had to find the right graphics driver, since the one that W10 kept on updating wasn't the best for my PC, but I'm enjoying it so far.

Try it out!
Of all these, either 8.1 or win 7
10 slowed down my laptops performance a lot, had to go back to 7 and its good again
10 actually, when installed correctly is performing better. Note: never install any Windows with express install, choose what you share and so on.
Only thing I had with 10, was disk usage at 100% constant, disabled superfetch and so, guides on google, now all good.
Wen it comes to ET, try Linux Mint - Cinnamon (http://blog.linuxmint.com/?p=2947)
or MATE (http://blog.linuxmint.com/?p=2946)

you wont switch back to any WINDOZE-OS!!!1
Win 7 pro or win 10 pro no any better os atm :)
8.1, nothing else, as win10 is still not what it's supposed to be.
Windows 7 is best one. I guess no reasons are needed.
Windows 10 Pro x64, best os for cpu bound games :)
Win 10 x4 pro is very stable atm. If you're going for win 10, chek first if the drivers are available.
i got win10 and like it ;d
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