Sac pub

Server is not mine, I m just thinking a topic on it would be good.

I don t know many about this sac anti cheat, is it better than tzac or pb, have no ideea, but the owner claims it does its job:

protects from zaaba or igla ddos

protects from hundreds of thousands of polish cheaters, ironically this anticheat is developed by a polish so he knows what he s up against I guess

is a good alternative, to NBS, actually a much better alternative than nbs, considering the anti flood, anti cheat and rules of administrating it.



edit: to connect to server, make sure you have your downloads to yes in the system menu, and also that you run the game as administrator. sac is instaled automatically, it will ask you if you agree with the rules, obv u have to say yes...
where is Estoniasac
Using ETTV.x86 on a dedicated public server doesn't seem really smart. Every public should use the ET Legacy (etlded) like NBS is doing now since the ref bug. Just look at a few security fixes for ET Legacy:

I won't even reply to the DDoS story :D
And how to uninstall it ?
it gets installed automatically when you connect to server. just start the game as administrator and accept the rules and regulations of the sac, just as when u install any random program
crynex aka LoCk & Malak aka Sol and zAAba project


[email protected]
you are just mad because you asked sol for an anticheat, he refused you, even if you were willing to pay, and now you think that turning against your own kind, makes a big difference? for an ex cheater and maybe still cheater you are a piece of work...
Protects from zaaba ddos. Definitely gonna install it now XD
read my reply to pixel and apply it to you as well
Considering the fact that you were banned from cf for being utter retard the comment above us proves this point. I'm glad that you could find people who have similar problem with autism. Maybe this sac is good alternative for future cure.
considering the fact that the guy above me is a well known cheater and trolled, your comment is already invalid even before you start typing it

also I have been banned not for being an utter retard but an utter et pro players who pissed off some admins. Due to my coming in Belgium and attending 2 lans in less than 12 months, the odds that things could easily escalate set me and the admin in question on a round of negotiations for peace, which led to the conclusion that the best thing to do is for both parts involved to get out of each others dick.

I would also like to state that due to my experience in the working field with a lot of polaks, I don t like you. Generally speaking, and particularly speaking only et pro polish player I still have respect is Dialer.

I made the last remark for you and the rest of the people that might think I m involved in the ddos or in this et pro sac pub server which I see nothing but just a better for the moment solution to the shit NBS with shit admins...
Thanks for your opinion but to be honest I didn't see anyone saying that you were involved in this dosing accident. But yea, whatever you say.
Sebhes just accused me of supporting the ddosers and suspects I am involved. Are you blind or something? Cause stupid I know you are
>unforgiven told me that I'm stupid

image: 20140714160021?path-prefix=pl
Pretty sure it was Yoda who told you you're stupid.
O god unforgiven... don't tell me you are on their side
I am on nobody side that s for sure! I am on my own side as I always have been.

But let s think logic: NBS no anticheat at all. Not even the simple and outdated PB

NBS target every day to ddos. Who does it? Actually does not matter.

We have the old school servers, who are avoided for some reason like Hirntot or HBC. HBC I dont like cause of admins, Hirntot 10 maps is actually ok. But we don t have a server for us, the nerds of CF.

So this sac public resolve my problem of ddos and cheat? Than I don t give a fuck if it s from ISIS itself mate...
All proofs of recent ddos of officials and public servers lead into the direction of the people who are behind this anti cheat and public servers. It seems like you are on their side and I am surprised. I would be disapointed if it appeared you are coorporating with them.
Yes, I have send massive amount of cash hardly obtained due to my criminal activities in Antwerp involving drugs, prostitution, smuggling, and extortion to this group of revolutionary brave et pro players who want to clean our beloved game of all the infected western corruption

proofs? Show me one proof linking lock and his sac pub et pro server to what ever ddos happend to nbs or any official game
Fine, I'll make a journal so everybody knows that SAC is unreliable and from now on I will consider you working with them. You are not neutral at all and clearly have something to hide. You wouldn't act like this if you were truly "neutral".
I hope that the alcohol and the weed you consumed during new years eve had not effect your judgement my dutch friend. Also considering that I m doing huge efforts to learn nederlands and not polish that should tell you that I m on the side of the...truth.

And the truth is that NBS is unplayable. If your proofs that you refuse to present so far, are as hard case evidence as your ridiculous allegations that I have anything to do with this polaks that I already said in several times I don t like, real life or virtual one, than you Sir need to check your intelligence.
So unforgiven for you it is just a strange coincidence that at the same time when nbs is getting ddosed and sac server advertised @ irc? Just like six months back this same guy abused the getstatus exploit at the same server now he's innocent as **.....?

Also why is just NBS getting attacked? Why no hbc, hirntot/los, pretty sad way to try to gather cf players but i think thats the polish way to sort the playerbase issue in 2015/16...

Huh...I really doubt about it.

Nice accusations without any proofs. GG guys I though you were more serious. Fuck haters.
P.S. Pixel face the fact you won't recieve cheat from sol. kkthxbb.
All of the stuff I mentioned can be proofed at any time, but I'll let the victim to decide whether he want to share it on public or not. Perhaps you should stop defending people who have always caused a mess. Oh wait, I see him on your buddy list :D Well, polak defending a polak in cases like this does not surprise at all.

And no offense at all, it is actually pretty good if you set up polak only server, just leave the NBS alone as its very childish way to attempt to get a players from there IMHO. If people really want to play in sac pub it should become popular without any "dirty way".

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