ETTV connection problem

Hello everybody!

Since my last movie release I wanted to do something with Reborn LAN movie. The first issue I've encountered is freakin' "awaiting connection" sign while connecting to ETTV servers (normal servers working fine so it's not problem with PB/firewall etc.).

I've installed fresh ET instance with etpro mod etc. and configured basic profile. The servers I'm trying to connect are from my Gamestv playlist.

Is there something I missed?
My journal.
Wouldn't have expected to see you here in a decade.
Can you find out the names of the servers you cannot connect to? (Or just make a ticket on GTV)
+1 to Enigma, raise a GamesTV ticket with as much info about the replay as you can. We can help more then.
is nothing new that the GTV Servers are having problems again with maps, so they will get stuck in the loading proccess but whatever..
That issue was resolved months ago. Also rather than leaving comments being indirectly bitching, how about you also raise tickets? Broken demos exist, ETTV issues can happen but how do you expect us to resolve them if you just come over to Crossfire and whine instead of doing something useful?
where did i bitch? ETTV is broken like months ago, not my problem to solve this. yea months ago i bitched about it on GTV and IRC and even then it took weeks before solving and now i don't really care.

now oyu can reply to me with ahaha look at this bitching and whine hahaha what an retard..
"nothing new that" ... "but whatever..". Passive aggressive as fuck.

Also recently learnt that you are banned on GamesTV, explains the attitude (and maybe lack of tickets).
Well, i don't think the gamestv admins read every single comment under every single match. If you want to be sure that they know about / handle a problem you should create a ticket, that's what the feature is there for.
About irc, did you just write it into the normal chat in the 3on3 or 6on6 channel (<- not good, they might not read it) or direct message a gamestv admin (<- better)?
If it's not your problem or you dont care then why whine about it on places where admins don't read it?

You seem to have the idea that GTV admins don't care about their site which is quite wrong.
Ok this is weird. Tried once again later after 1 hour break and everything is alright. :o

The other question is... Can I somehow fast forward demos? Timescale doesn't work as expected. :(
Quote.ff "amount of seconds you want to fastforward"

just type .help in the chat when you're on the server and you'll see all the commands.
It might be a direct issue with the specific server you were trying to connect to in the first place. If this happens again please do make a ticket on GTV with the specific servers/ips!
Sure will do!
When is the movie gonna be released!
Sooner or later...
When i figure out how to change pov when exporting ettv to dm84, i will release conventer
The n u can download demo from gtv and use this tool
that would be amazing. download demo, select the player with your tool, frag scan it with mediamanager, and have the entire process completed in 30 seconds
yeah, but then you still have to demand the match and .ff to it, then wait like 10 minutes before you can request another replay
Also u can download ettv demo from gtv and replay it locally
Bit noobish question but where can I download particular demo (e.g
Thanks! Wasn't obvious for first time.
One more thing. is there any way for fastforward demos? GamesTV services are strictly bound with their servers but not local ones. Couldn't find anything useful in ETTV.exe docs (
you can timescale it with the console
Does not work.
you host the ettv server and it brings up an "ET Console", then you connect to, yeah? you can use the "ET Console" to timescale it, not the ingame console.
Now it makes sense. Everything working now. Once again thanks guys! :) Hope there won't be anymore questions from me. :P
in ettv console u can use same commands as in gamestv replay but without dot
1. Click "Watch this Match now."
2. Click on the demo you want to download (Official: ET Reborn LAN - 6on6 Seeding Tournament: TAG vs Team-Visual (35666))
3. Click "Prepare for HTTP Download"
4. It will say "Your Download is ready" and post links under it
I don't think most users are allowed to access this :D
they are, I was able to do it before I had any rights on GamesTV

e: yep, just tried it with second account
Well I can do that too and I'm not complaining about it. :D
do i got speccial account?
No, read the other comments - I was wrong.
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