OMFG I didn't even knew they were remaking this awesome game. First and last game that once, years and years ago, made me almost pee in my pants.
Damn I was scared to bits back then, playing this game.
I can't wait to be immensely disappointed by a "remake" nobody wanted.
sounds like a rape in progress to me
hl3 fan detected
I can't wait how it handles voxels/ray tracing.
Yeah that was pretty dom of me.
its doomed or will be shit like all remakes or remastered crap.. but atleast they can claim 60 Bucks for it :D
look absolutely fucking terrible
looks better than the original

got u :{D
Bethesda f0king rule!
at least they are smart to create a remake ... not like splash damage..

How I ll do when I come to the third lan.
looks good, i like the gfx and animations

so id have now a basis for quake 5, and maybe a new ww2 shoother
already played the slow mp with that lame demon. SP could be nice i think.
yeah Q5 would be awesome!
ohh fuck, looks like another dukeNukem3d_wolfensteinFAILURE..
meanwhile BrutalDoom!!

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