Looking for a new FPS (pc)


Since yesterday I'm looking for a new First Person Shooter (FPS) game.

- ET: never have been good at it. tried it yesterday. Shot 40-50acc on etpro and like 1 hs/8kills or something. Was so annoyed that I was aiming for head, yet I didn't shoot any hs. Those hitboxes are something elusive for me...

- CS:GO: meh... I always get bored after playing this game for approximately 2 weeks. Best FPS players play this game. I'm not even close to their league. So no.. only if FinlandDtect wants to play with me.

- COD: BO III: I've been rolling that game pretty hard. So hard, I'm in the list of one the better pub players.
But the patch they implemented yesterday made sure all 'skilled' players can ONLY play against each other.
Not enough skilled players online? Well, then you can't play = WORST PATCH EVER. Took me 16 min to find a game. Imagine 6o6 without crossfire on an evening and unscheduled (and no Igla)... IT'S SO ANNOYING.

- Dirty Bomb: Maybe I'll return playing that game. But I can't be so active to play the game competitive like I actually want to => I do stupid things => I get benched => I get mad => I suck even more. playing pub in dirty bomb is way to izi and kinda boring eventually.

- Battlefront Starwars (which name has been stole by the original Battlefront starwars, which was way cooler. oldschool but my first FPS game. played it so much, my CD 'crashed' (got damaged): Nah... I mean look at this game. I like the Star Wars idea, but the gameplay really really sucks. I've watched over one hour of this game (stephbrother plays this game on the ps4). Wasted time...

So anyone else have an idea which is non of the mentioned on top and is not 'Arma' or anything else that runs on a Quake engine?
that's still beta??

e: closed beta?
Already did that months ago. I still didn't get any reply...
So is this a new registration or still the same?
I guess the same. Game will be released somewhere in June. Think most will switch to Overwatch. Blizzard put a lot of effort and energy into this game. Not like Splash Damage where I think they're quite clueless with Dirty Bomb not listening to anyone for feedback.
I completely agree with you. I've said this moths ago: I'm so looking forward this game.
And I hate to say it but I think ET/Crossfire is kind of deaded too.
instead of replying you with questions. i've tested it. Same registration.
I'm already signed up :(
Not clueless, they just dont give a fuck...
Money for mercs and bye bye :p
Not as a FPS game, no. I had my doubts, getting into beta only confirmed them. Game is too gimmicky, super ability focused, barely - if any - FPS mechanics. Rather disappointing :( Competitive scene is going to be glorious, but the game itself is mediocre at best.
My brother has a Beta key and he's been playing it quite a lot. Seems like a lot of fun and definitely better than Dirty Bomb.
i dont have the beta acces but played it on blizzcon event...was fun and really easy to pick up (my gf who never ever played FPS before was playing medic and everyone on our team thanked her after every game, had a chance to meet guys like jason kaplan or trolden or other casters)

but I still dont get how this game will get more attention or get some competetive scene since a lot of people may not be able to pay for the game...it was supposed to be F2P when I first heard about it.
I envy you. I really do.
well i may warite a post about it how i got actually INVITED to blizzcon may be intresting for couple of nerds here haha
I'm not talking about that. Oh well, maybe I am just a little.
you meant the GF ? haha
Urban Terror or Team fortress 2 maybe ?
Among the FPS out these days, I would test only overwatch if I have the chance to get a key.
Other FPS like you mentioned are garbage to my mind...

QuoteCSGO: Best FPS players play this game

Don't want to open a topic about that but it took me 5 years to become med on ET and 300 hours to be global elite on CSGO. I don't mean global elite represents any achievement but pls don't say such things :XD.
Best FPS players are from quake and ET and I'm serious as fuck.

To conclude, if you like survival FPS pve/pvp, I have few games in my mind... The best one imo is Hurtworld, but there are also Rust and h1z1. These games are all nice to play with friends if you have some free time. Hurtworld and Rust are about building house, gathering ressources to get guns and c4 to destory other ppl houses. H1z1 is like a battle royal. It's a bit boring since you only have to kill ppl and nothing else till you are the last survivor but that's just my opinion.

edit: Also, there are good solo FPS to play like S.T.A.L.K.E.R or fear... this shit never gets old if it's your first time playing it.
QuoteDon't want to open a topic about that but it took me 5 years to become med on ET and 300 hours to be global elite on CSGO.

if you hadn't played ET for all these years you'd be stuck in silver/gold nova @CSGO atm
Well, if you think these 4000 hours scumbags stuck at eagle with 5000 euros skin value can be med skill on ET after 300 hours you are delusional. Don't rly understand the point of ur comment except saying that im shit without my ET experience which is not even the subject since we are talking about what FPS to play. And you didn't prove me wrong by saying that.
Had to log in for this comment

Artstar is completely right on what he said, did it come as a suprise that ET is a lot harder game than CS:GO to learn aimwise / brainwise to be a mediocre player? you gain much better keyboard / mouse / eye combination from playing Quake engine games than playing games such as CS:GO where you (mostly) only move your mouse and no tracking nearly at all. Tracking a strafing guy with good acc etc is a lot harder than shooting a guy whos standing still, while pulling prolly your mouse down a bit if you didnt catch the head with the first shot.

I know Artstar didnt mention this, but I am pretty sure he thought you would catch the drift without telling you the differences between the games
This pretty much. I didn't feel like writing out as much, I probably should have. :D
1st rule of cf, never expect somebody to understand what you mean by reading between lines xd
I said
QuoteBest FPS players are from quake and ET and I'm serious as fuck.

So this is basically what you and artstar were thinking but CBA writting details that's why I didn't really understand his reply :-(
nice understanding
I think you read a little to far into my comment. it's clearer above & below in mine and caej's comments :p
Never played CoD, but aren't the mechanics in there also that you run and shoot (track maybe? :D) so you should generally be able to have "sort" of the same skill as an ETPlayer (if you both come into the game as newcomers)?

But not sure what's your point anyway since that's what yokoo meant, or no? :s
no, you need to stop/slow down to shoot; CoD is maybe walk + shoot, but it's mostly ironsights shooting (the thing 99.9% of id Tech 3 fans hate). so generally minimal movement infight.

the thing about these "4000 hours scumbags stuck at eagle with 5000 euros skin value" is they're actually not very experienced competitively. look at all of the players in ET who played public for 13 years and never tried to improve on actual particular characteristics in their gameplay.

my point is that yokoo's already been through the trial and error period of a lowskilled gamer, in ET. he will never need to repeat that in another fps game, he'll pretty much instantly be skilled in a lot of the entry aspects (aiming, map awareness, objective focus, teamplay & communication, movement, timing, importance of class/weapon choices, the list goes on). if CS:GO were the first ever pc/online game he'd played or attempted to play competitively, it'd take him a shitload longer than his initial 300h to get to global. that's not an insult, it's a fact.
Got your point, can't disagree :"'(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
matchmaking/pugging is completely different to playing in a scrim/team enviroment.
point being global isnt a big accomplishment in csgo. Its like being the highest rated player on FA or nbs. I do agree playing ET makes you have a higher skill initially than most first time csgo players, but theres much more to CS than aim.
best FPS players come from quake only. ET has been based objective wise. Quake was pure aim and fast play.
Well, talent doesn't come from which game you played. I just think these two games are the hardest to master.
Talent is not something you learn. Its something you have. Anyways quake is the most fast paced game to play and the aiming (considering airshots etc) is the hardest and therefor this game is the best to start with if you want to become a all aim no brain player.

ET Requires somehow positioning and strategy tho
Played this game and specced lot of streams. Saying it's for no brain aim only players is a bit dumb :D. Some people on this forum might kill you for saying this.

For example, timing armors/mega health and finding the best way to get it, knowing spawns, positioning according to the situation on each map and according to who leads the game, I think it also requires instinct but wait maybe I'm wrong, we have to ask the specialists ...
You don't need specialists for that. I worked with professionals (Spart1e, Strenx, Cooller, Bodzo, Frozen). And its all aim no brain. The only there is no such thing as being ahead or being behind (only in score) and holding track of 2 armors and a megahealth aint that hard to responding to a 5 man team game where you actually have to adapt to your enemys playstyle.

Oh and its about jumping around, armoring up and trying to find the fight at the right time. Your reflections need to be fast tho.
Anything can be over-simplified. I could say soccer is nothing more than kicking a ball around for a few hours, but obviously there is much more to it than that.

QL takes far, far more individual skill and mental ability than ET.
Thats what Im saying. QL = individual and therefore best aimers come from there. ET is teambased. Guess you misunderstood me?
You said QL is "all aim no brain", right? Certainly you don't actually think that?
compared to et that is
QuoteQL takes far, far more individual skill and mental ability than ET.

Isn't that because QL is aimed to be a duel game whereas ET is based heavily on teamplay? It's like saying 3on3 is based much more on individuals aim than 6on6, which is true, because that is what the format encourages
Well yeah, both games bring different things to the table and I'm definitely not saying one is better than the other, but I think what I said holds true for team modes in QL also.
QuoteBest FPS players are from quake and ET and I'm serious as fuck.

RIp: he is serious as fuck.
call of dutys :D
H1z1 if u got some friends to play with. Prolly rust and the other one yokoo mentioned are also fine. They are not fps tho but the only game which interests me besides ET and AoM.
Waar zedde gij tegenwoordig mee bezig?
league & homm5
age of mythology???
appels over mandarinnekes???
antwerpen of maaseik?
If you are a fan of team fortress 2 try overwatch, otherwise dont buy the hype.
nerding nerding nerding and once again nerding |:D

diablo alive only for one week per next patch/season so there is no point in playing that

how it's going in hots?
Playing it casually mostly with a few buddies sometimes, dont have as much time as I would like to for any kind of gaming :(
dayz/h1z1 i guess lol
Natural Selection 2 if you want challenging teamgame.
P.S. Where dtect7?!?
Playing with Chikita (also pun inteded).
I've dropped the idea of playing FPS games, well some random MM on csgo with russians and occasionally on DB pub if I feel like playing some game where tracking is included, or if froxe has scheduled some random ET official
fucking froxe man
Buy me a beer and I teach you how to do headshot
Can't believe everyone forgot about good ol RtCW. Sure, the game isn't as active as it was back in 02-04. However, with the return of WarWitch and Sabo, the game definitely got a boost of players & activity.

Imagine if all you big ET players decided to do the unimaginable, and did a big tourney on RtCW. There would be ALL kinds of different teams, whether it be EU or NA. Only reason RtCW is low on activity, is because no one has the time to do tourneys anymore, or have the interest too. Much like what is happening too ET, from what I gather in recent posts.

RtCW isn't dead and it could be an alternative to a different game and comp scene, but it's you, and this community who need to help enlighten the idea & get it on it's feet.

Zed brought back WarWitch which also made teams like one.soldier, highbot, kih, etc to come back and play for old time sakes. RtCW imo, is still one of the best fps to exist alongside ET.

If people really tried, rtcw could be popular again with a "2016 CF tournament on rtcw"

^ Lets get this going again. :) 2 years ago!

- Trag.
I don't think there's any shortage of cups in ET atm considering the number of teams.
As you know, I'm not into ET much anymore so I honestly don't know much about the scene other than reading some crossfire posts from time to time. There's always someone looking for a new "fps" and no one ever mentions RtCW. Well sorry to say this man, but there would be no ET, if RtCW never existed. That being said, rtcw is far from being dead. Even if it's 15+ years old.

2con1cup had over 14 teams with a 6v6 format. Now, imagine if all you ET players decided to hit up some RtCW competition for old time sakes, I'd see no problem with 16+ teams signing up. We just need dedicated players, and admins(who wont play) to take the time an organize one. Only thing I see ET players bitch about is the way "shooting and getting hit" on rtcw feels nothing like ET. Well no shit, it's not the same game or comp settings.

Only posting this so people know there is more games out there that are like ET. I find Dirtybomb is nothing like ET, while others think different. I find RtCW is the closest you'll get to anything ET related.

@ Artstar - I couldn't agree more man. If we could get a dedicated admin(who doesnt want to play) and some dedicated teams/players. We'd see another "fallcup" with over 20 teams of 6v6 format. LETS DO IT.
And why the hell ET players would suddenly get the motivation to play RtCW instead of ET

RtCW is faar much more dead than ET, RtCW is not answer, its just stupidity lol. Surely everyone are welcome to play whatever they want but your kind of thinking is just not really a good one.

"I find ET is the closest you will get to anything RtCW related", beat that
Obviously with that attitude, it won't happen. Your a prime example as to why games like rtcw are dead.

He's asking for an alternative game that's an FPS. IN YOUR OPINION what game is anywhere near the same as ET? That's right, there isn't one. Only thing that even comes remotely close, is RtCW.

For a game made way before ET, and it's still played competitively today(15 years after the fact) I'd say thats pretty fucking good. Let's see if DIRTY BOMB or CSGO is still being played 15 years from now in a competitive scene. Every since the 2010-11 fall cup, rtcw has had plenty of tournaments that were all a good outcome.

This is only an alternative so he can play another game, I'm only merely suggesting people to play RtCW. Which brought up the idea of another RtCW cup. Which last cup, I recall MANY et players like clown, night, etc. Signing up. So don't get your panties in a bunch.
an RTCW cup would be a great idea :) with the right admins behind it of course. that's been the biggest problem thus far. it'd have to be people who weren't playing, just dedicated admins. personally I'd love to play!
organise it instead of playing ;/
I'm so sick of the quake engine.
ET bestest
Rainbow 6 Siege, quality game potentially going to be a great game in esports
whats the style of it?
similiar to counter strike but way better
Rainbow Six Siege!!! Top Game!!! Taktik Shooter with many Feauters and Operators!
csgo just best
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