Mobile makes my wifi lag?

So, since some time now, everytime my gf puts her mobile on our wifi. It just goes crazy, i'm getting 1500+ ms in csgo, TS everywere. The moment she turns the wifi off, the lag is gone, right away.

Anyone has a clue what may be causing this? (Couldnt really find anything on google, but i might be using the wrong searchwords). And maybe someone has a solution.

Ty homies.

Set connection priorities/limits (like higher cable priority + wifi transfer limit) in ur router configutarion.
mhmm perhaps she can keep her mobile off and just stay in the kitchen?
Tried that shit, but she keeps breaking out.
Talks like a man.
Talks like a man, who has a wife/gf.
Talks like a man, who has a wife/gf whom will do whatever he says so.

In reality he is left all alone, playing games all night. And once in a while abusing his right hand because no wife/gf wants him. THE HORROR

Still playing ET at work, Ipod?
shut up u hideous bastard

Normaal kunt ge uw provider daar wel voor bellen. Die moeten zo'n zaken direct kunnen oplossen.
(toch in België).
Zal't eens proberen
denk dat het iets met je kapsel te maken heeft
het is alweer te lang man!
kijk, daar ga je al!
try to turn off all windows scalling and heurestics + maybe just limit her connection via modem drivers or netlimiter?

+ this site might help u a bit:
maybe her phone have virus
Cut your right hand, problem solved
Are you wired yourself? As far as I know you can't QoS or prioritise wireless traffic. Then again, it sounds like it's time to get a different router. If you're using your provider's modem for wireless, get it replaced (accidentally spilling a cup of water helps) or consider getting a decent router anyway and use the wireless on that one.
I am wired myself ye, guess i'll give my provider a call and see what they can do. And If they can't do anything ill just plugin my old asus router again.
you shouldn't play CS:GO when your girlfriend is with you.
Tadaaa; problem fixed.
Ye... that works out great, for single guys like you ;)))
Try harder m8
have you tried to kill yourself ?

no Kappa
Just share with her WiFi password. :v
What exactly does she have on her phone that she needs to use THAT much of your bandwidth? Only big app on a phone I can see that would suck up your bandwidth, would be facebook(ive had problems with facebook via wifi which causes me to lag while using a phone)

Other than that, unless she has 100000000 apps open, and has a stream in the back ground, you shouldn't be lagging.

I'd try doing a speed test with, and without her on her phone. If speeds stay the same, then it's not your ISP, if they change immensely, it could be an ISP/router issue. If it's ISP, just call like you've already been mentioned - if it's a router, just do a hard reboot.

If all else fails, you can try wLAN optimizer. I heard it's good for optimizing.
Put her on another channel
Auto updates with her phone causing this maybe?
proves that she s the man in the house and not u
you have to let her go
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