Message from SMOKENINJA

"ET's best player = SPEEDY BOZAR
hands down 'Mindi
Legends never die"

Agreed. Sickest gamer ever.

What is you best memory of speedy bozar?
Him calling me the future of ET @ 09'
Him trying to convince people on TS that he could actually move things with his mind
Calling the switch sides vote just before map changes and hoping the other team doesn't notice.
driving videos
Any of them still on internet?
singing videos

meat vs vegetables

Linking youtube videos showing how he was at the top of C&C:ZH ladders or something to show us what an insanely gifted individual he was.
We once played against a mix with SB in it. They kicked him after a few minutes.
couldn't even win against upload without cheats
camping in braundorf and saving his stamina for 1on1 duals which is the most gayest thing ever.
Oh and the lots of flaming cuz he could never win :')
Calling anyone who won against him a cheater 8D
Weird singer he is, Weird song it is, Weird surroundings there was, Weird life he lives and Good voice he has.

Best memories are when he talks of himself as third person
saying that he made the czech president look like an idiot on live tv
the only thing that i can remember about him was that he was pretty good in 3v3, he was pretty friendly with me at start and then the next day he was flaming me a lot, cant remember the reason why.
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