Studio 2015

Was happening people? Seems like you missed me so after 1 month which time I had to train hard for my next aikido competition, because I m going to co star in Jean Claude Van Damme newest movie which will be filmed in Antwerpen, I am back to let you know that I did not die.

Also, one of the requirements to play in the movie is that I have to improve my foreign languages, among others Nederlands and French.

So after deep investigations I have discovered this program called SDL Trados Studio 2015:

And um...I was wondering, does any of you nerds have any experience with this shit? I know you re all busy seducing sexy chicks and drinking oceans of alcohol, but in case you got a clue don t hesitate to holla back.

Peace and fuck dem haters
Hows ur role? Are u going to succesfully steal his bike or he'll catch u and kick ur ass.
i know the guy who taught JC Van Damme how to fight, no joke, dont h8 m8
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