Dirty Bomb Humble Bundle

If people play the game and didnt see - $1 gets you some decent pack on DirtyBomb (even if you do play it I guess $1 for 2x elite and 50K coins is decent)


ends in like 22hours
Almost forgot this game exists
probably the third most played FPS atm Kappa
Not really.. but I guess it will be close.
but if you check their lobbies compared to other FPS games, I don't think it'll be on third spot.
9k, I saw yesterday @Lobby on an evening (=morning @USA).

On the other hand I have no idea how many USA players their are at lets say 9pm USA time.
Or even Australia, where this game actually is popular (apparently?) They even have their own league etc.
(Not sure if they still have it, but few months ago they had a league on their own...)

E: Correct me where I'm wrong, because I'm not that active anymore in DB. I just play it with my brother usually on his account.
9k players ?!
"typ foutje"
Ik dacht al, wat een verbetering op korte termijn :p
DB doesnt even have that many - http://steamcharts.com/app/333930

My joke was more on that there are not many big FPS titles
On this Website maybe :D ( after CS:GO and ET )
well the Kappa was meant for the joke ;) but mainly as there are not many FPS titles atm. The only big ones are CSGO and Crossfire (Crossfire more money, but probably less players)
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