base is still playing

Kerkko, Rong and I played a random 3on3 against base, anger and Jerre. It was a good game, but for fun me and Rong decided to check the demos; especially of base because he was playing quite well.

Stumbled upon this on base's home map:

I'm not sure if he's cheating here, see for yourself. There weren't really any other moments like this except a small one on adlernest.

The ETTV demos are available. If someone's interested, PM me.

Have a nice day!

P.S. Sorry for the long clip, forgot to cut and was too lazy to re-render.

P.P.S. base: I just did this for fun. No hard feelings?
kysymys kuuluu ehkä ennemminki, että onko se koskaan pelannu ilman avustuksia? :D
wtf man base never cheated in his life
I'm genuinely surprised, people still didn't figure it out that base has cheated for over 2 years in every official game that was on gamestv? :D
Hi hazz xxx
Hoi mijn vriend, hoe hangt het met jou?
change "hangt" with "gaat"
Hoe hangt je hamer?
XD menee hyvin. kanssasi?
Lekker, ik speel ET dag en nacht. :P
''The ETTV demos are available. If someone's interested, PM me.''

Why's that funny?
Why would someone be interested in those demos?
In case they want to see the situation in-game rather than in a video where quality is worse and you can't see or hear everything nearly as well. Or in case they want to see the whole match, not just that one clip. Sorry, I thought that was obvious.
Why the fuck u play with rong tho
Because he's a good player.
base best player

you still a cheaterlover then?
3 tzac bans were not enough to prove weslann cheating, so 1 cgac ban shouldnt be either.
image: tumblr_n65v6gaEzC1snexhzo1_1280
image: kappa
Im sure this brought a lot of pleasure to juicy
lustig, cheaterlover
du bist doch bloß mad weil wir euch gezogen haben :^)
wann? :D und wenn, zu siegen mit nem cheater, wooooooooow :P
Check ma deine Screenshots vom 2016-02-21: Hast aber en schlechtes Gedächtnis... Keine gute Voraussetzung fürn Job bei der Polizei :(
gecheckt, sehe einen cheater, check ma demo, schwacher Charakter
Ich bin ja froh, dass ich deinem Gedächtnis auf die Sprünge helfen konnte. Aber davon mal abgesehen, nenn mir bitte ein paar Szenen, wo er gegen euch cheatet.
Und Phil, mach mir nicht einen auf Moralapostel - dazu hast du mit zu vielen Cheatern gezockt (selbst kiwi war 2010 kurzzeitig gebustet - kA ob gerechtfertigt, aber egal) als ET sogar noch aktiv war und man freie Spielerwahl hatte.
kiwi war nie busted und ich habe nie cheater auf sonst einem weg supportet... es gab viele szenen, aber es isses mir null wert nur überhaupt 1 sekunde in die demo zu investieren... er hat null gamesense ud da kannst du mir kommen mit was au immer du willst.. von mir jetzt btw die letzten worte dazu gewesen, da das thema für mich einfach keinen wert hat
"Especially of base playing quite well"
What about me????? I was really decent aswell :(
Have to agree with timbolina here, Base never cheated :s

0:35 xD

anyway, he+his friends have admitted he cheated; it doesn't bother him and I wouldn't be surprised if he gets some egoboost/satisfaction because of it (hence the way he talks.)
Still kept me busy for an hour, so it's all good. :D
I dont know how this happend. After i came back from the rehab i thought everything went better.
I see what Artstar means. :D
Only thing they re good at is ragequitting, cant be serious by accusing someone so bad of cheating.
idd man, i think over 50% of players nowdays can only cry and /quit :D
Shortest way of ending all the pain :D
still rolling nerd down
That's why he had more dmg than me :S :S :S

edit: rong is obvious as fuck too so it was a fair game :D
If Rong is so obvious, I'm sure you can find at least one moment like this in his numerous GTV matches.
Nah someone else can do that for me, I don't have so much free time like you. And if I do, I like to play instead of watching :p
I've been told that rong was cheating on pub with a fake nick, but forgot to change his guid %)
<19:40:49> "Rong": fAntasyyREPLY today, 17:58
I've been told that rong was cheating on pub with a fake nick, but forgot to change his guid %)
<19:41:19> "Rong": if somebody gave me 1 euro everytime i hear a story that starts with "Ive been told" or "Ive heard" which has something to do with me and cheating i would be a millionaire
>it's ok to cheat if you suspect your opponent of cheating
moet toch ook altijd reageren he jij, dik amerikaans nerdje
didnt see anything wierd
Hazz mate, can you tell us where was Rong 1-2 year ago ? He is olbaa fake or smthing? Can you give me gtv link where he is owning when ET was alive in old time please (or he is just "new" but learn the game fast i guess?).

It is serious question!
tbh some of Rong's Finland friends also admitted he was cheating in the past and especially under the nick "Cele"
If one of them is webe, he still says rong is cheating. Rong also says webe cheats. Fun stuff. :D

Edit: "says" is a little strong. Suspects, rather.
Cele/Rong was even busted once or twice and banned on ClanBase, for cheating (This was like 2010 or 2011). He does still cheat occasionally, I dont know how you and some others are so fucking blind not to see it.
I have never been busted once or twice on any anticheat or been banned from ClanBase or ESL. As long as you don't have any evidence to back-up your statements you can keep your thoughts to yourself.

"Cele hacked for 6 months straight but he was never busted on proper leagues (CB or ESL), and that pbban is >3 years old"

This is from Sungi (Rongs reallife friend if that makes it more "trustworthy" in 2010 when you blatantly cheated in every game you played, and the more recent ones are mainly witnessed by my own eyes, I don't have any reason go and spec your demos simply because I have better things to do than sit at PC 10 hours straight like some prefer to.
" LORDI Sunday, 28th November 2010 15:13
we just found out that guy in the pbban isnt Cele, nice try tho ;)"

So you're seriously coming up with some random pbban from 2007? :D Only thing I have in common with that guy is nationality.
His ip locates to Oulu, and as you well know that's nowhere near where I live or have lived (around 300km away from my place).

I don't understand how everyone finds the time to whine about my cheatings, but doesn't find the time to bust me. There is plenty of material in gtv of my games and I'm willing to send all of my irc demos aswell to anyone who is interested in busting me.

I'll just quote the almighty Servant here "It's hard to get busted if you don't cheat. If you catch my drift."
[21:19] <billy_> i cant say anything here cause it will end up quoted on crossfire
[21:23] <billy_> but no i dont have any kind of cheat on running on background
[21:23] <billy_> but yes i have cheated
[21:23] <billy_> in the past
[21:23] <billy_> should be pretty common knowledge since i know you have talked with Muff.
u were cb banned for cheating in 2009/10 too, doesnt mean ur still
+ some 9 year old link lol
I also got bust link of sebhes and ohurcool, but I would never betray them to expose it on crossfire.

What happened to friendship?
Webe didnt feel like share acproof cheats anymore i guess
Webe isn't my friend.
rong was barely medskill before 2015, but i taught him the ways of the force
make a tutorial explaining "the force" people wouldn't be so inclined to think you cheat
"The force" would be that Sungi is intelligent, thinks for himself and has excellent situational awareness.
you are too old to begin your training
i still play at a decent level, and you're never too old to learn or relearn something.
Learning/relearning things gets more difficult as you age though. I've noticed that in myself.
regardless of my advanced old age. i never asked for personal lessons, just a quick written tutorial explaining the things he taught rong that would account for his meteoric rise in ability. not accusing anybody of anything, i just want to learn for the sake of getting better
Damn daniel
And what about vudka? Could any CG admin tell us why his ban is reduced by 1 year?
Are you whining or just curious?

Serious question, I just need to know how I should write my response.
Just curious. :)

I mean, CGAC ban and returning couple of times when banned usually have made the ban last for 3 years or more (till now?).
We do believe in second chances and our main goal is to keep ET alive. Our decision to reduce his ban from 3 years to 2 years is consistent with these two facts.

There are quite a few considerations that make us feel reducing the ban to two years is fair, but it mostly comes down to the fact that Sebhes and I feel that vudka is truly remorseful for cheating and won't do so in the future. The reduction in his ban does come with the stipulation that if he is banned again in the future (for just about any offense), he will be banned permanently.
Are there any other players who might fall into the same category as vudka? I'm asking because lately it seems damn near impossible to find a 3on3 in a reasonable amount of time.
none come to my mind immediately and I doubt I would find many if I took the time to consider all the bans we have. unbanning a few players won't make any noticeable difference in activity anyway.
last time crossfire had this so many comments on a journal was in 1952 i think?

This is for you guys:)
I'm surprised.
About what ?:o
The amount of comments. :D
Yeah, same thing happend when I got banned 2 years ago :D

All tho lots of thing changed since back then there is no point telling my story, atleast not in public on cf:P
Im drinking heineken what about u
heineken is like piss, I prefer stronger stuff;p
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